Love, in its many forms, is undeniably one of the most discussed topics and, as such, the main subject when it comes to pen down a song. It may therefore be a little awkward to say it is a cliché, but it is so because it’s hard to always find an original way to approach and treat it. Trite lyrics, timeworn rhymes and simple melodies usually make for a typical love song that will win hearts and recruit fans.
Ethan Ash’s music may not particularly stand out from the mass, whether it be for its composition style or for the text that lies beneath it, but it’s far from being dull. The singer-songwriter doesn’t really venture out, and his lyrics don’t really take flights of fancy. Ash’ new EP, Face To Face, however, possesses some kind of interest.
On the whole it doesn’t explore new themes, and, even singularly taken, the tracks revolve around common situations – exception made for the opener Chasing Your Love. This single curiously explores a kind of love which is not often talked about, namely love at a young age. At a time when emotions are confused but still strong enough to emerge and leave a mark. Kids are innocent and carefree, and this is well reflected in the song with its happy melody.
The real feat of the album though, is the way it has been put together. It gives the impression of being a mini concept record, a journey through time in which every track represents a season. Chasing Your Love may be seen as Summer: joyous and warm. Following, these merry feelings give way to a more sombre atmosphere. Stereotyped matters like the end of a relationship and its aftermath are taken into account in a sequence that resembles the natural cycle. Face To Face is Autumn, quieter and forecasting more bitter days. Seems Like Love Has Died is Winter, an even slower, sadness-tinged track where all hope is gone. Nonetheless, in spite of the crazy weather, we can always be sure that Spring will come along again. So the EP’s last track A Boy Like Me is blossoming and full of promise – just like Spring.
Ash sings with a renewed faith, ending on a positive note – perhaps also a wish for his career. The artist’s straightforward and heartfelt sound is good to go, Spring is really coming after all.

Face To Face will be released on 16th March, for more information about Ethan Ash and upcoming shows visit