It’s Friday, the beginning of another weekend and the evening in which the popular programme ‘Xarabank’ is aired. After revealing the 24 finalists of this year’s Malta Eurovision Song Contest, Peppi Azzopardi and the team behind Xarabank has invited all participants to be the main protagonists in tonight’s show. In the last couple of weeks, the participants were invited to many popular shows like ‘TVAM’, ‘Sellili’, ‘Sibtek’ and ‘Ħadd Għalik’ amongst other amazing programmes in which they have presented their songs to the public.

One must not forget to mention that the official broadcaster and collaborator for the Malta Eurovision Song Contest, TVM has been busy producing the two special shows leading up to the biggest music event held in Malta: the daily show before the 8pm news and the two Sunday programmes aired straight after the 8pm news.

A week before the much awaited showcase takes place, the host of the show (Xarabank) will present the participants in a different way than all other programmes did. We saw the pariticpants in formal interviews talking about their experiences and the message they want to pass through their song and also, in a friendly environment playing games and building friendship between them. However, Xarabank is the balance between the two ways: formal but not so formal. Although we can only guess what the programme will consist of, as Where’s Everybody? has always dedicated their 100% commitment to present the public with an amazing show. Will we get to know any new gossips about our semi-finalists? Will they present the Maltese version of their song? What is ‘Jonny il-Kajboj’ up to this week? Will there be a prediction of who amongst the 24 semi-finalists may represent Malta in the coming Eurovision Song Contest? To get to know the answers to all these questions and much more, all you can do is watch the programme tonight after the 8pm news.

Do not forget that we’re just a week away from our National Final which will be held on the 3rd and 4th of February at the Malta Fairs and Convention Centre (MFCC), Ta’ Qali. Stay tuned for more exclusive news only on Music News Malta.

