The one and only Elton John joined Fitzy & Wippa on Thursday morning. And nothing was off limits as the music legend addressed a controversial rumour involving a party he once threw on Sydney Harbour, involving Molly Meldrum.

“There is an urban myth here in Australia, and I’d love to know if you can remember this. We want to know about one night where you threw and hosted a party on a huge boat in Sydney Harbour,” Fitzy began.

“Now, we’ve heard that Molly missed the small boat to get out to the large boat – and the story goes that Molly couldn’t get to the party, and all of a sudden the water police come past and go, ‘Molly Meldrum! Oh my god, what are you doing?’

“He then said, ‘Oh I’ve missed my boat, there’s a party out on the Harbour that Elton is hosting.’ They said, ‘Jump on board, we’ll take you out!’ The water police then took Molly out to the boat, and as they approached… there may have been some things that were thrown off the side, seeing that the police were there.”

Elton responded: “It sounds like something from my past, absolutely! Those of you who saw the film Rocketman, crazy things happened [back then] and I’ve done so many crazy things with Molly Meldrum.”

“It sounds like Molly and it sounds like me – but I can’t confirm it because I can’t remember it. It doesn’t seem fictional to me, at all.”

Meanwhile, Elton also revealed he recently went out for lunch in LA with The Kid LAROI and listed his favourite Aussie artists.

“I love Amy Shark very much. I have a big soft spot for Winston Surfshirt, and of course Tame Impala. I’ve had Kevin Parker on my show, Amy, Tones and I,” Elton listed.

“You watch them grow and… The Kid LAROI, I had on my show quite a long time ago now and he’s just become so big now. He’s such a great kid, I went for dinner with him recently in LA and we just had the best time.”

