Country superstar Luke Combs joined Absolute Radio Country presenter Baylen Leonard to chat about headlining C2C Country To Country festival in March. Whilst talking to Baylen Luke revealed that he would be keen to catch up with Ed Sheeran whilst he is over in the UK as well as discussing the kind of dad he is hoping to be.

Luke talking about the possibility of working with Ed
“We hung out last time I was there but he wasn’t on an album cycle that time, I think he is doing like 55 stadiums just in Europe, that’s just part of the tour… I’m definitely going to shoot him an email and see if he is around, he is great man. We were going to (write together) but the covid thing screwed our whole plans up on that but maybe one day, hopefully one day.”

Luke talking about becoming a dad and whether his family will come on tour
“Probably not at the very beginning you know just because it will be really hard, but my wife comes to almost every show. I enjoy her company and she has liked being out there up to this point and obviously that will probably change a little bit with the baby and stuff. But you know I would love to have them out as much as they want to be out, as much as they can be out. You know I think that’s important. I don’t want to be a dad that’s not around or the dad that you see on tv and go ‘oh that is my dad and that is where he is today I guess’. Family is important to me. I’d like to be the guy throwing the football to them”

You can hear Luke Combs interview with Baylen Leonard on Absolute Radio Country Friday at 10am.

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