Marilyn Manson has accused Evan Rachel Wood of defamation in a new lawsuit.

In February 2021, the Westworld actress claimed on Instagram that the musician had been emotionally, physically, and sexually abusive during their relationship, which lasted from 2007 until 2010. Soon after, four other women filed civil suits against Manson, real name Brian Warner, with the cases still ongoing. Manson's legal team has denied all allegations.

On Wednesday, editors at Deadline reported that lawyers for the rocker had filed documents in the Los Angeles Superior Court in which they alleged Wood and Ashley Gore had "publicly cast" him as a "rapist and abuser - a malicious falsehood that has derailed Warner's successful music, TV and film career".

In addition, Manson, 53, claimed Wood and Gore had impersonated a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent by "forging and distributing a fictitious letter" to create the "false appearance that Warner's alleged 'victims' and their families were in danger".

Representatives for Wood have not yet responded to the lawsuit.

In January, the 34-year-old released Phoenix Rising in collaboration with filmmaker Amy Berg, with the documentary exploring her decision to testify before the California Senate to help pass the Phoenix Act in April 2019, as well as her choice to "name my abuser publicly".