Britney Spears' lawyer has filed a motion to force her father Jamie Spears to show up for a deposition about his handling of her conservatorship.

Mathew Rosengart filed a motion to compel Jamie to sit for a deposition, in which he must answer questions under oath about his conduct as Britney's conservator, in Los Angeles Superior Court on Wednesday.

In the 21-page document, Rosengart claimed Jamie did not appear for depositions scheduled in October 2021, November 2021, and April 2022. His legal team also allegedly failed to accept eight proposed deposition dates for June and have not volunteered any alternatives. Rosengart stated, "It is evident that Mr. Spears will not voluntarily sit for his deposition and that he must be compelled to do so."

Elsewhere in the motion, Rosengart slammed Britney's father for allegedly employing "stonewalling and obfuscation" tactics to try and stop "the truth from coming to light".

"Despite his demonstrably false claims that he has 'nothing to hide' and would therefore 'hide nothing,' James P. Spears has been running and hiding from his deposition and accounting for his misconduct - under oath - as required by law," Rosengart states in the paperwork, obtained by Deadline. "Indeed, while representing that he would 'unconditionally cooperate' and act with 'complete transparency without conditions,' Mr. Spears has engaged in stonewalling and obstruction - for over six months - dodging his deposition and repeatedly failing to respond to simple requests for basic information."

Rosengart has repeatedly accused Jamie of misconduct during the 13-year conservatorship. He was suspended from his position in September and the legal arrangement was dissolved altogether in November.

In the motion, he claimed Jamie ran "a corrupted and conflicted conservatorship that stripped his daughter of certain fundamental liberties" and alleged that he took more than $6 million (£4.7 million) from Britney's estate.

Rosengart stated that the location of the deposition was an issue as Jamie lives in Louisiana but Los Angeles is "the most logical and convenient location". However, Rosengart wrote in the motion that he is willing to conduct the deposition "in any city in the country" to put Jamie under oath.