Joining The Chris Moyles Show this morning, Razorlight’s Johnny Borrell and Andy Burrows discussed their long-awaited new album, Planet Nowhere, where they revealed that they were close to ‘packing it in’ as a band, with Johnny admitting that he didn’t think the band would ever make music together again and were in danger of becoming ‘their own’ tribute act.’

Johnny Borrell – JB
Andy Burrows – AB
Chris Moyles – CM

CM: “How is it being back in the studio? What was the gap of everybody, Razorlight as we know it?”

JB: “Well, this single that is coming out today and this album, you know, this is the first thing that we’ve done with all of us – the first full album – since, I don’t know, 2008, 2009.”

CM: “Wow.”

JB: “And I really didn’t think we’d do another one.”

CM: “Johnny, nobody thought you’d do another one.”

JB: “No. We got back together, we had to do this Greatest Hits – we had this contractual obligation, which I really hated doing – and you know, I said to the guys, ‘Let’s go to Spain, let’s go and record with Youth.’

Youth just seemed to get the band in a very uncomplicated way, and I was like, ‘Let’s see if we get something good.’ And we went out there, and it was sort of like a movie. On the last day, we just kind of found something. But I said to the guys before we went out, ‘If we don’t find something, if we don’t end up something that we really love and we want to do so we are moving forward as a band and making new music, we’ve just got to pack it in.

Because you can’t just, sort of, be your own tribute act, you know, to be mean. And that’s what we did. So, we went out, and it happened. It was like a movie. So, all I can say is this record must have wanted to happen, and I feel like… I don’t know, I’m just really pleased to be here and doing it and be here with Andy, and I think it’s an album that fans of Razorlight, you know, I think people will enjoy it.”

