London Trans+ Pride (LT+P) took place yesterday (Saturday 27th July) and broke records as the biggest trans pride in the world, and in history, with 55,000-60,000 attendees marching through central London in solidarity with the trans+ community. Powerful speeches were conducted from the likes of Heartstopper’s Yasmin Finney, Trans Legal Clinic founder Olivia Campbell-Cavendish, Trans Prisoner Alliance founder and activist Sarah Jane Baker and many more.

Speaking about 2024’s event, one of the founding members of LT+P Lewis G. Burton says:

“London Trans+ Pride 2024 was the biggest one to date! This show of solidarity with the trans+ community yesterday was so powerful and poignant - in a time when we need the public’s show of support now more than ever. We have confirmation that 55,000-60,000+ people were in attendance at its highest point, meaning that this made London Trans+ Pride the biggest trans pride march in the world right now. Often at times due to vitriol and bigotry inflated by the UK media that our community faces we often feel like we live in a country where we are not loved and respected. Yesterday was a beautiful reminder to not only the glorious trans+ community but to London, the new Labour government and the rest of the world that trans+ people are loved and this love is a huge majority”.

LT+P is a peaceful march through central London, open to trans+ people, the LGBTQIA+ community and allies, joining in a union of celebration for trans+ lives, past and present, standing for trans+ rights and marching in solidarity with Palestine, Sudan, Haiti and Congo.

Holding a Press Brunch the morning before LT+P this year, on Friday 26th July at The Mandrake Hotel, LT+P had an incredible show of support from the likes of Bimini (artist), Romy (artist), Ella Morgan (Married At First Sight), Yasmin Finney (Heartstopper), Baby (Ru Paul’s Drag Race), Le Fil (Ru Paul’s Drag Race), Olivia Campbell Cavendish (Trans Legal Clinic), Jude Guaitamacchi (Trans Solidarity Alliance) and many more. A moving panel took place with Bimini, Olivia Campbell-Cavendish, Lewis G Burton, Jude Guaitamacchi, Ella Morgan, Ren (LT+P organiser), urging attendees of the importance of attending LT+P and supporting the trans+ community during these testing times. Find a folder of vox pop interviews here, free to use.

“This year's theme is in response to the ongoing injustices and atrocities happening across the world”, the founding member of London Trans+ Pride Lewis G. Burton says. Justice and Liberation is seemingly sought out by all, however more often than not does not include trans+ people. The lives of a minority group (around 0.5% of the U.K. population) are routinely questioned, delegitimised, ridiculed, gate-kept and used as divisive, political pawns.

2024 has seen a rise in attempts to back-pedal the trans+ community’s human rights. There has been a higher number of notable attacks on trans+ youth, further generating a toxic climate in the U.K., and trans+ youth especially need allyship now more than ever.

This was the most important year in London Trans+ Pride’s history. Trans+ rights and the call for trans+ justice are intrinsically linked to racial justice, climate justice and disability justice movements. With the knockbacks and attempts to reverse trans+ people’s human rights, London Trans+ Pride’s attendance being record-breaking this year is the beautiful support the community needed.

Kae Tempest (they/them) says: “London trans pride has given me so much. It’s been an important moment of strength gathering for me, as I continue on my journey towards living truly, as myself. Walking through London all together, we can feel a deep sense of community, acceptance, shared pain and celebration that rouses the spirit and soothes the soul. To be able to encounter and affirm each other this way is beautiful and important. I am grateful to the organisers and to the community. It’s been more than a march for me these last few summers, it’s been a lifeline.”

Munroe Bergdorf (she/her) says: “Every London Trans Pride I attend is even more empowering and galvanising than the last. During these trying times for the UK trans community, LTP is a much needed ray of hope.”

Travis Alabanza (they/them/she/her) says: “The work trans pride have done to stay grassroots yet increase in scale is so empowering and inspiring to watch. Trans pride is such a rare event, it hold the joy without hiding the anger - the politics yet also the party - its ability to dance between feelings and emotions is testament to how the trans community continues to shine and excel despite our oppression in the UK. As we see a general election bring our party leaders into another round of using trans people as political point scoring - trans pride remains ever important.”

Mermaids says: “London Trans+ Pride provides a sanctity of community at a time of fear, uncertainty, and anger across the trans and wider LGBTQ+ community. The government’s attempts to roll back our basic human rights, including our access to healthcare provisions and our right to an education free from discrimination, have cultivated a harmful climate of toxicity. Trans Pride however is a salve for that: it gives the community, friends, supporters, and acquaintances the opportunity to laugh, cry, shout and celebrate each other, mobilised by the message that none of us are free, until all of us are free.”

Freddy McConnell (he/him) says: "In a time when "pride is a protest" has become little more than an idea, an aim at best, London Trans Pride is out here showing an increasingly hostile society (and many of our own queer siblings) what this really means and why it still matters. LTP is a vital push back against the relentless political and media hatred and attacks on our healthcare and legal protections that trans people face today in the UK. But it's safe and welcoming too, whether you are trans or an ally, because that's the nature of our community."

Anthony Lexa (she/her) says: “I’ve lived in London since 2021 but London Trans+ Pride feels more important this year than any other. Visibility could save lives as young trans people become the frequent target of political scapegoating and neglect. All trans people are valid. All trans people deserve love. All trans people should be RESPECTED. We can no longer be used to divert attention away from the incompetence and inhumanity of our government. Let’s celebrate but also stand together in solidarity for those we have lost and will inevitably lose due to the aggressive narratives projected onto our community. Trans pride will be here to remind us that the prehistoric policing of trans people isn’t reflective of the majority in this country. We’re relying on you allies. Let’s make this the greatest turnout at Trans Pride yet!.”

Dani St James (she/her) of Not A Phase says: “We are immensely proud of our ongoing collaboration with the incredible team at London Trans+ Pride. Each year, they bring us together to continue the vital fight for trans liberation and to support one another. The sea of people united for LT+P sends a powerful message to the nation and the world: we remain strong in the face of adversity. To those who feel lost or isolated, know that we are here for you with open arms. This year is the most critical year for LT+P yet; in the current climate and the aftermath of our election, we need unity more than ever.”

Dee Whitnell (they/he/she) says: “London Trans+ Pride is, for many Trans+ individuals, one of the only spaces where we can share our full transness and queerness. It is where Trans+ siblings come together to not only celebrate our community, but to mourn, remember and fight for those we have lost. This year is for Trans young people.”

Full information for the march:

London Trans+ Pride gathered at Langham Place at 1pm on Saturday 27th July 2024. The march departed at 2pm and ended in the green at Wellington Arch. Speeches took place at around 4:30-5:30pm, with the event ending at around 5:30pm. There were roughly 400 trained volunteer stewards spread along every few metres of the march, protecting attendees and assisting wherever they could. First-aid and medic trained volunteers were also on hand, along with an all-queer Welfare team, courtesy of queer and trans-run organisation Safe Only, providing person-focussed welfare assistance and harm-reduction.

London Trans+ Pride is never the space for Queerphobia, Body Shaming, Classism, Xenophobia, Racism, Ableism, Harassment or Whorephobia.

You can find more information on the LT+P Instagram @londontranspride.

Photo credit: AJ Stetson