Last week, North London-based rapper Nippa joined the Capital XTRA Evening Show with Kamilla Rose.

Joining Capital XTRA’s Evening Show with Kamilla Rose, Nippa – one of London’s fastest rising artists – revealed that it took nearly ‘1000 takes’ to nail down his latest single ‘Take Me’ in the studio while working with Benjiflow, admitting that he struggled with the harmonies when trying to replicate the ‘vibe’ of WizKid’s 2020 album Made In Lagos. Later, Nippa also revealed that he can’t watch 2004 animated comedy Shark Tale without crying!

Fast-rising London rapper Nippa says it took nearly ‘1000 takes’ to record new single ‘Take Me’ as he struggled with the high notes when trying to replicate WhizKid’s Made In Lagos album

North London rapper Nippa admits that he ‘can’t watch Shark Tale without crying’ as he reveals the track that makes him go ‘full sad’

Nippa - N
Kamilla Rose – KR

Fast-rising London rapper Nippa says it took nearly ‘1000 takes’ to record new single ‘Take Me’ as he struggled with the high notes when trying to replicate WhizKid’s Made In Lagos album

KR: “You said Benjiflow obviously produced the track. What sort of came first, was it that Benji had the beat and was like, ‘Yeah, I want you to come on it,’ or was it just very much like…”

N: “Nah, nah, we made everything in the session.”

KR: “Oh wow!”

N: “I think Benji played the guitar, we was listening to some WizKid, WhiKkid album, you get me, Made In Lagos. And yeah man, we just wanted to you know, replicate that vibe, init. Benji played the guitars himself, he was getting the drum pattern, and we kind of already had the song there when Benji was playing the guitars. But then you know when it all comes together, it really comes together. I was really bad at harmonies at times, init. I couldn’t sing high notes. Benji had to coach me, and it took like a 1000 takes, but got it.”

KR: “Got there in the end.”

North London rapper Nippa admits that he ‘can’t watch Shark Tale without crying’ as he reveals the track that makes him go ‘full sad’

KR: “Do you ever have a song that you put on if, like, you want to cry, or like full getting sad? What song is that for you?”

N: “It’s from Shark Tale.”

KR: “Haha! What’s the song? Carwash?”

N: “It’s mad, init? I can’t watch Shark Tale without crying.”

KR: “Really?”

N: “I know, I’m such a wet wipe, init, man.”

KR: “I mean, I was expecting something like John Legend, but no. Shark Tale.”

N: “It’s India.Arie, ‘Get It Together.’ It’s from Shark Tale, init. Obviously, it’s when Lenny… Aw, I’m not going to even say it, man.”

KR: “I haven’t got any tissues; we can’t even go there right now!”

