Hozier once met Cillian Murphy on a plane while nursing a serious hangover.

During his show at the Xcel Energy Center in Saint Paul, Minnesota earlier this month, the Irish singer-songwriter paused the music to tell concertgoers about a memorable encounter.

Without specifying a timeframe, Hozier - real name Andrew Hozier-Byrne - recalled how he once met up with his "best old mate" and they ended up "drinking very heavily all night, as you do".

However, when he woke up the next morning, the musician realised he had to catch a flight.

"I stand up quickly, and I am quite tall. It's been said to me, 'If I fall down I would be halfway home,'" he joked, per fan footage posted on TikTok. "I was walking at full pace and I just went, 'Boom!' My head hit the window at such force."

Despite walking "straight into a wall" and being in "rough shape", Hozier managed to pack up his belongings and get to the airport.

"I'm like rattled. You know, that type of hangover where you're shaking," he continued. "And then I look over to the left of me on this plane and I see a famous Irish actor. I'm also subject to celebrity shock where you see somebody you've seen on screen a thousand times and you're like, 'Oh my God, that's a famous person.' And when I see Cillian Murphy is to my left..."

But just as the Oppenheimer star was approaching to introduce himself, Hozier removed his hat and felt his head - and quickly realised he was injured.

"I'm like, 'Oh my God, that's wet.' So I'm on the plane looking at my fingers, like I'm bleeding a little bit," the Take Me to Church star remembered. "And I turn to my left and Cillian Murphy's hunkered by my seat and is like, 'How's it going?' I'm trying to play it cool. He was so sweet and so kind."

Despite the hectic experience, Hozier revealed that it actually inspired some of the lyrics in his new song Too Sweet.

"It's the line, 'I aim low, I aim true and the ground's where I go.' I've never told Cillian Murphy that, I've never met him since. I didn't have the guts to tell him at the time the shape that I was in," he concluded.