Justin Timberlake was roasted on social media after he made an anti-DWI speech outside court.

The Mirrors singer held a press conference outside Sag Harbor court this week after pleading guilty to driving while intoxicated.

"As you may know I try to hold myself to a very high standard. This was not that," Justin, 43, told assembled reporters. "What I would like to say to everyone watching and listening is: if you have one drink don't get behind the wheel of a car."

The singer went on to speak for some minutes, advising the public against the dangers of drunk driving.

However after a clip of Justin's speech was shared on social media, commenters were quick to critique his "performance".

"Justin Timberlake you are not an actor and I see right through your little bulls**t speech," commented one, while another wrote, "Justin Timberlake holding a teary-eyed press conference about his one DUI charge as if we care. He really thinks this is the year 2000."

Others took issue with the fact Justin was taking a moral position after he had done the wrong thing.

"I don't know who this Timberlake clown is, but when you do something wrong, just admit it and say you are sorry," one wrote. "Stop with the moral lectures. You are the last person qualified to give moral lectures to others."

Justin was arrested on 18 June after a routine police stop found he had been drinking before getting behind the wheel.

