This morning, Nines joined Capital XTRA Breakfast with Robert Bruce and Shayna Marie.

As he releases is final ever album, Quit While You’re Ahead, British rapper Nines told Capital XTRA Breakfast this morning that he is absolutely ‘tapping out’ of music, doubling down on his plans to retire as a rapper… but hinting that he ‘won’t be able to retire for long.’ Reflecting on the release of his last ever record, Nines also reveals that he has had ‘complaints’ over the album’s track list.

Nines – N
Robert Bruce – RB
Shayna Marie – SM

Nines confirms that he is ‘tapping out’ of music but hints that he ‘won’t be able to retire for long’ as he teases that he’ll be ‘on a film set ASAP’

SM: “So now the next album is here, are we confirming for the last time, this is the last ever album that we’re going to get from you, Nines?”

N: “Yeah, but you know, I might be up here with my art someday or something. But as a rapper, yeah.”

RB: “We need to just clarify, the amount of people who were calling my phone the last time, like, ‘You’re going to have to ask Nines, I don’t know.’ Will we get a mixtape, an EP? Only features if that?”

N: “Nah.”

SM: “No features?”

N: “I’m out. I’m tapping out. I’m sure you lot can name a good list of rappers that you think should have quit while they were ahead, right? Exactly. Everyone be like, ‘Jay-Z came back.’ Do I look like Jay-Z?”

RB: “You could be the UK Jay-Z.”

N: “I’m Nines, bro. Jay-Z is Jay-Z. ”

RB: “Alright, fair enough. Let’s say music is put to the side then. What does retirement look like for you?”

N: “I don't think I'll be able to retire for long. It's just retired from rap, but I'm definitely going to take a break from everything, just try and chill out. But I'll probably end up back on a film set ASAP, like I'll be working. I'm still part of the culture, part of the scene. It's not rapping though.”

Nines reveals that he has had ‘complaints’ over his final album’s track list, saying some have called for ‘better features’

SM: “Before we get into the album, I do want to big up our chest a little bit – Robert Bruce & Shayna Marie. Because last time you were here, we did an intro for you, like we just did on the radio just now, and it seems as though we have made it to Nines’ brand-new album. Listen to this, Capital XTRA!”

**Plays ‘Intro (Quit While You’re Ahead)’**

RB: “When did this happen? Like, how can you just drop the surprise on us, release day? I’m all going to listen the album, and this is the first thing I’m hearing, bro!”

N: “Do you know what it is? Like, listen to the intro you just gave me, man. Like, no one on radio gasses me my thing up more than you lot.”

RB: “Quit While You’re Ahead, yeah. This one is the one people have been looking forward to. Your track list is very healthy, very, very strong.”

N: “I didn’t know the track list was healthy; I’ve seen a lot of complaints. I’ve just seen a few complaints, there’s even phone calls and that. Like, I ain’t throwing no one under the bus, but yeah, they were disappointed in the track listing. And I’m like, ‘Yo, it should have been just ‘Ice City.’”

SM: “Disappointed that they weren’t on it? Disappointed that who was on it?”

N: “Nah, not that they weren’t on it, just they wanted a better feature list apparently.”

