Pop princess Perrie joins Clara Amfo and Jordan Stephens on this week’s festive edition of Make Me A Mixtape. The duo battle it out to create Perrie the ultimate festive mixtape.

Talking about Perrie's time on the X Factor with Kelly Rowland and how Perrie wasn't originally in the final line up for Little Mix.

Perrie: “[Kelly Rowland] wasn’t our mentor [so the time we spent with her] was quite brief. But I feel we have a lot to thank her for. And like when they were picking all the pictures.. she really went for it and I’m really grateful for that.”

“I wasn’t supposed to be in the group. It was a guy who used to work behind and scenes and I literally owe him everything! His name is Elliot. I was singing in the squash courts ‘cause I was so painfully shy. Every time I sang in front of the judges, I sounded like Larry the Lamb. It wasn't cute. And it just wasn't it.”

Clara: “Sorry, what does Larry the Lamb sound like?”

Perrie: “Like..shaky!... But yeah, it was really bad. And then he heard me singing and he ran back to the producers and the judges and he was like, ‘You have to put this little bomb in there.’ I wasn't even gonna be in the band….so it would’ve been the three of them without me!”
Perrie talks about how her partner, footballer, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, refuses to wear pyjamas so they have never done the family pyjamas ‘thing’ and having to have a 'Fakemas' (due to Alex’s footballing schedule).

Clara: “Are you that family who gets dressed up in matching pyjamas on Christmas Day?”

Perrie: “No, ‘cause Alex refuses to wear pyjamas!”

Jordan: “What…ever?”

Perries: “Ever! He’s got a thing against it.”

Jordan: “He never wears pyjamas?”

Perrie: “He’s like ‘I’m not wearing pyjamas’.”

“Never… not [even] for Christmas.”

Jordan: “What about a onesie?”

Perrie: “My mum might have got him in a onesie one year, but no he refuses. He hates pyjamas.”

Jordan: “Okay, be honest. He turns up in full football kit, doesn’t he? Let's be real!....But with footballers its crazy with Christmas right.”

“This is a fact. Footballers don’t get to celebrate Christmas….They have to [celebrate] it early.”

Perrie: “Yes, we always have a Fakemas for Alex…. so either Christmas Eve they are training, Christmas Day they train or they’re in a hotel for the game the next day – Boxing Day, a big game.”

“He loves it [but] then this year …thank the lord Jesus, he's home. He's got a few days off, I’m buzzing…. Santa brought him home!”

Perrie and her mother-in-law refer to passing wind as a 'rizzle'

Perrie: “When [my mother-in-law and I] first met…we were in the box and we were watching a game and we were embarrassed 'cause we were eating a lot and we both had wind, but neither of us wanted to admit that we had wind 'cause we just met.”

“And then she was like, sorry I’ve got a bit of a funny tummy and I said me too, I really need to trump … and she was like….’trump?’ And I was like…you know.. ‘pump’. And she was like ‘oh… like down with the trumpets?... 'Cause I love Rizzle Kicks’…. and I was like, ‘maybe we should start calling it a rizzle!?’ So now when we need a pump, we call it a rizzle. But we do it because we actually love Rizzle Kicks!”

Clara: “Jordan, this is your legacy.”

Perrie: “We can’t say shall we go outside and have a fart…so we were like shall we go outside and have a little rizzle!”
Touring North America with Ariana Grande. Little Mix fought over baked beans because they missed english food.

“We loved it. Although we did become a bit delirious that we all had like a fight at the end of it over a tin of baked beans. (laughing) That's how real it got. 'Cause we were like, we can't eat any more crap. Like it's not possible. And then our tour manager ordered some beans on Amazon and that was it. We were fighting over who had the last one…. We were literally having it out because we just needed some English, British beans!”