On Vernon Kay’s BBC Radio 2 show this morning Kate Hudson performed for Radio 2’s Piano Room month, accompanied by the BBC Concert Orchestra at the BBC Maida Vale studios.

Kate Hudson performed a classic track - Talk About Love, a new song – Right On Time, and a cover of Ariana Grande’s we can’t be friends (wait for your love).

She chatted with Vernon about performing live on the radio for the first time, her favourite musical, her parents and writing a song for her mum, the 90s, swearing, performing with an orchestra for the first time, whether she’s in touch with her fellow cast members of Almost Famous, and more.

Check out the quotes below...

VK: Our last act in Piano Room Week 3, and we are going to be filled with joy. We know her for movies like How to Lose a Guy in 10 days, Glass Onion and Almost Famous, but now she's definitely famous in the music world. Welcome Kate Hudson!

KH: Thank you.

VK: How are you feeling?

KH: I'm excited. I'm excited. I'm a little nervous. It's my first live show, ever! So I'm just honoured to be here.

VK: Oh, a lot of people say that, and it is fantastic. It's a wonderful experience as a performer, to be introduced to the BBC Concert Orchestra firstly, and then arrange everything with everything that we can offer. It's a fab experience.

KH: It's amazing, and especially for me, for Right On Time, the song that I'm going to sing, is was very, very orchestral, and so to hear it and just sing it for the first time today was just incredible.

VK: Well, we're gonna have a chat about yourself and music and your journey in inverted commas. Yeah sorry, I said it. I apologize.

KH: It's okay, it's quite the journey, I'm in it!

VK: But let's start. What are you going to kick off with? Please?

Oh, I'm going to Talk About Love.


VK: I think the smile on your face says it all!

KH: That felt so good.

VK: It looked so good. It sounded even better. Congratulations. Like you said, that's your first ever kind of live performance?

KH: Yeah, live, the first one, like on the spot. Yeah, here I am.

VK: Good for you. Well, it sounded mega but most importantly, it looked like you're really enjoying yourself?

KH: I love to sing. I love to write. I love to write, and I love to sing, and it's this, this year of like, getting out in front of people has been really, really amazing for me. Very different.

VK: People will be surprised when you say that acting isn't necessarily your first love. It is actually music.

KH: Oh yeah, oh yeah, first and foremost. I think actually my love for performance started with musicals. So musical theatre for me was where,

VK: Which one's your favourite?

KH: My favourite musical, come on. Oh gosh. I mean, Sweet Charity, right? You know, Shirley MacLaine, just in anything, Bob Fosse is just dreamy to me, but that's kind of where it started. And then, of course, I got into my, you know, teens and got all emo, and got into, like, Nirvana and Radiohead, then then a whole new world of music came out for me.

VK: But that was a great, that was a great period of music, especially as a young person. You know, all this rock and roll and repetitive beats as well were popular over here in the UK and Europe.

KH: Oh, 90s was the best I feel like, so happy that that was the sort of era of my, of my, you know, when I was actually going through puberty. It's like, it helped me a lot, you know. And I think it was a great time for music, because it was, it was very rebellious and I loved that about the 90s. You know, we had a lot of artists were doing a lot of naughty things, and it was fun.

VK: It's 11:34 in the AM. I wish we could stop and spend 10 minutes and talk about those naughty things, but unfortunately, we got to move on. We've got some music too. Yeah, excellent. It's interesting that your writing partnership with Linda Perry started off a zoom call. Is that right? You sang something for your mum's charity?

KH: Yeah, a friend of mine who wrote Firework with Katy Perry asked me to do it for this for a charity event during COVID and Linda heard it and just cold called me and was like, 'will you come sing this song? I have a song I think you'd sound good on'. I was like, Yes, I was just wanted to sing as much as possible. And so then I went in there, and she asked if I wrote, and then she's like, 'let's write!' And so it was so wonderful. She's an amazing songwriter.

VK: What is she like as a songwriter? Because we've had James Blunt on a strand we call Tracks of my Years. And he talks very highly about Linda, because it was her that took him to one side and said, 'Let's work together.'

KH: Yeah, she's got, a really good, great way of, like, getting certain people to really focus and then and then power through it. I think one of the things that I learned the most from her was like, 'it's okay to be bad, like, let's just, let's just keep moving and not overthink what we're doing'. She kind of opens up that channel, and then she just has such a great way of structuring a song. So she becomes this great leader, really, to get the energy out. And that was really interesting for me, because I overthink everything. So she sort of just is this like fast car, let's go, go. So that was, you know, and, and, and she really is about facilitating you as an artist. It's not what she has in mind, you know.

VK: And we shouldn't forget Johan on keyboard.

KH: A producer of my record, Johan Carlson and my very, very close friend.

VK: I was listening to a podcast and you were saying that the majority of your songs are all emotion, positive and negative, and that's where you get the writing inspiration from?

KH: This album, for sure.

VK: You swore a lot in this podcast.

KH: I know, I'm trying very hard not to swear right now. Yeah, it's a terrible habit. Yeah, I know I did, but this, this was different for me, because usually I just wrote for myself when I felt it. And this was like you, I had deadlines and had to really sit and write the song on the spot, and kind of open up and just feel what was coming to me and what really came in this, the first album, was just all of the different ways I've loved, whether it be my with my children, whether it be through relationships or failed relationships. It just became this big love letter.

VK: It makes it honest. If you do that.

KH: That's all I wanted. I just wanted to put up something honest and hope that people liked it, and, and I love to, I love to write like I love a writing prompt. Don't get me wrong, you know, but I, but I just had to do it, and I hope I get to do it again.

VK: Growing up as a young person, obviously, mum being globally famous, Kurt as well. Were they encouraging you constantly to get into the arts, or did they make a point of just letting you be you?

KH: I think, different for all the kids. You know, there's four of us, and my brothers for me, I was, I just was always wanting to perform, and they were incredibly encouraging. The only thing, their thing really, was, if you don't really love it, you're going to be miserable. You know, if you're doing it because you want to be famous, or doing it because you need that, like, that constant validation, it's going to be a disaster. Do it because you really love it, and, and, and, you know, I do, and that's a great piece of advice for anybody wanting to get into the Arts, you know, because it's very tumultuous. So they were encouraging, because they knew how much I enjoyed every second of it.

VK: Yeah, good, nice.

KH: They're good. They're fun parents.

VK: Yeah, we've got an archive clip of yourself, from 2008 talking about your mum knowing you had the performing bug before you did:

**I think she honestly knew that there was no choice before I knew what I was even going to do. And I can see it in my son. Now, you know when your kid has that. He doesn't know it yet, but I do, and I think my parents kind of have the same thing.**

KH: He's got it. He's got it! It's so crazy to hear that, because my son is literally in performing arts school right now. He's 21. Ah! Well, he'll be fine.

VK: Oh go on, why are you 'Ah!'

KH: Because he's so funny and he's so smart, he's very self-possessed and, and he's an amazing person. And I just know that, you know, I think our family does a really good job of, like, you know, kids have a hard time thinking that they have to do something so significant, which means to them be seen. But like, significance is, like, if you're happy putting what you're putting out in the world, you know? And I just, I hope that I think he's got that, I think he's going to be all right.

VK: Your face has just literally lit up.

KH: Yeah, I mean. That's my kid, that's my little baby. I was so young too, so it's fun to have, you know, an adult child that I can hang with.

VK: Yeah, 21 now you can kind of.

KH: Oh yeah. It's, it's like the 90s!

VK: Okay, so what shall we do next? Let's not keep you waiting.

KH: I wrote this song for my mom. It's about when she was young, and it's called Right On Time.

VK: You should do this live thing more often.

KH: Oh, that, it's hard not to get emotional when I sing that song.

VK: It's kind of a love letter to Mum right?

KH: It really is, yeah, yeah. It's just about her life, she grew up in outside of Washington DC, in a suburb, and literally drove 100 miles to Baltimore every day to dance school, and thought she was going to have a very simple life. And that is not what happened. And, yeah, I just it just came out too. It wasn't like I sat down to write, you know, a song about mom. It was like it just started. It just happened.

VK: I think your mum is fun for everyone, you know, if you, if you think Goldie Hawn, she's fun, she's always smiling, always laughing. It sounds like you have a real strong relationship with her.

KH: I do, I love honouring the outward of how people see her, but, you know, she's, she's truly magical. My mom, you know she's, and she's incredibly wise, and she's very intelligent, and, you know, the best comedians are very smart, and, and she's had a this just tremendous life, and she's really enjoying her time now with her grandkids and, and I just wasn't, she's just, you know, she's my, my role model, and I love her, profoundly.

VK: Beautiful. She'll always be coach Molly McGrath, of the Wildcats.

KH: That's the best move.

VK: I'm obsessed by American football. And we always had that video that VHS on a loop with Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson.

KH: Yeah, that was, like, that, that movie was amazing, that that set was so much fun. I remember it very, very well, wow, yeah, because you were, I mean, I was a little, I was like, seven years old, and it was just a wild set. And Wesley Snipes?

VK: Gosh, my goodness, you would never know this was Kate's first live performance. These are messages that have come in on our text messages

That's from Jan. Absolutely amazing morning Vern. Goodness me. What a voice, what a voice. Love Kate's movies, but what a superb power house of a vocalist. Says John T in Henley. Thanks, John T, and then we've got this one as well. Kate Hudson, no disrespect, I was not expecting that. Absolutely awesome, excellent. Can we have more says Dave in St Austell?

KH: Yeah, Dave, oh, this make me feel good, good, good, good.

VK: We should talk about your partner, Danny, because he's also in the music industry. But you dragged him. Well, he was having a break, wasn't he, and then you dragged him back.

KH: I was like, you're coming with me. And we wrote, it was me, Linda and Danny. And then after we wrote about 26 songs, Danny really went into his hole, into his cave, and kind of came out with the sound and then we, we hooked up with Johan. And Danny and Johan, really, we sort of put all of the fine finishing touches on the album. So it was it was amazing

VK: With the really positive acclaim that you've garnered from the album Glorious. Do you find yourself at a crossroads now like acting, or do you really push forward now with music? Or are you trying to run them both, parallel?

KH: I'm not going to overthink it. I just love it. It's more like I feel like I just want to keep singing, and I'd really like to go on tour, and hopefully that will happen at some point, but I just want to keep making music, and I want to keep making movies, and I'd actually like to do both at one point. I mean, that's my next that's my next goal.

VK: You said that you'd like to play Stevie Nicks right?

KH: Oh, I mean, who wouldn't want to play Stevie Nicks? I think, I think I've out aged that. I think a little too old to play young Stevie Nicks now, but, but I would like to write a musical that's really, that's really kind of something I'd love to that's like on my bucket list.

VK: So that would be cool. Yeah, I'll be Mick Fleetwood.

KH: Oh, well, then let's do it.

VK: Deal. Done. There's a movie that a lot of people, I would imagine, talk to you about, Almost Famous. And we've got a voice note from one of our listeners, Lee, who wants to ask you a question about that movie. Here we go:

Hi Kate, I wondered, are you in touch with any of the cast of almost famous? It's one of my favourite films. Thanks. Lee in St Neots.

KH: Hi Lee, yeah, I am actually, Billy Crudup and I've been remained friends for a very, very long time. He plays Russell Hammond in Still Water. And I'm very and I stay close with Cameron, our director, writer, director, and, yeah, we actually live right down the street from each other, so he couldn't get rid of me. But you're in a new Netflix series as well.

KH: Yeah, Running Point. Yeah, it comes out on the 27th and that was that. It was so much fun. It was, it's so funny.

VK: It's basically about a lady who inherits a basketball team.

KH: It's, it's loosely based on Jeanie Buss, who is the president of the Lakers. It was really her idea, and she just thought her life is so wild and crazy that there needed to be a comedy about it. And so she got she went to Mindy Kaling, and was like, who wrote the American Office and was like, Do you want to do this? And here we are, and it turned out really fun, and it's a great cast, and I just think we need to laugh right now. We need to laugh more, and you know, so I hope that it sort of gives that to people.

VK: Perfect, we should say before we move on to your last track. Thank you, Rob Eckland for pulling this together. Really appreciate it. You were saying that it's nice to kind of communicate and really strip the music back and work with our BBC Concert Orchestra and getting this done,

KH: It was so amazing. It really was, and what a first experience hearing those songs like that. Thank you so much. This has been amazing.

VK: You can watch it on BBC iPlayer from later on this afternoon, Kate! BBC Sounds, got to get the plug in. We've got a question, though, from our previous performer in Piano Room. That was Chesney Hawkes.

KH: Yeah, loved the Toto! [Chesney Hawkes performed a cover of Toto’s Africa in Piano Room]

VK: This is his question for you.

CH: Hi, this is Chesney Hawkes here. This is my question for you, Kate, who or what never fails to make you laugh?

KH: Oh, gosh. I mean, this is a great that was a great segue, because, number one, it's my brother, Oliver. He is the funniest human being on the planet. And, and no one makes me laugh like my brother. And, I mean, he makes everybody laugh, but he he's just so insane. And inappropriate, and I love it. And then I got really lucky, because my new brothers on the show Running Point are just make me laugh just as much so, and they become my new favourite people in the world. So that would be my answer.

VK: Perfect. Thank you. All right, let's do your cover version. It's the last live track that we're going to get from you, Kate, what are you going to do and why?

KH: I'm going to do 'We Can't Be Friends'. I love Ariana Grande. And I just think a great pop song is great in any, in any, you know, form that you that you play it in any type of artist. And I love this song.

VK: Okay, come running down to the studio, but congratulations.

KH: Thank you so much.

Vern, the girl can sing go. Kate says Caroline Hans, absolutely stunning, absolutely worth waiting for. Kate, that was darn good. My favourite piano room yet. Says Catherine cope, wow. Vern, this is awesome. From Kate getting goosebumps listening to this is Tina on Anglesey morning, Vern, Wow. Just wow. What a beautiful, lovely voice. And Kate seems like a beautiful person as well, from Lynn in Newport, South Wales. And then Kate Hudson is awesome. Goosebumps. There you

KH: Thank you, everybody that made my year.

VK: Smashed it out at the park, congratulations.

KH: Thank you so thank you for having me.

VK: Oh, it's been a joy. We should remind everyone that the deluxe version of the album, Glorious is open now and Running Point is out on Netflix next Friday at 27.