From biting the head of a bat to strutting a catwalk in a dress made of meat, you can’t help but wonder what musicians will do next to grab our attention. Perhaps it’s time for Frank Hamilton to show pioneers of music a sensible way to make an impact? Throughout 2012 Frank Hamilton plans to record and release 52 songs - one a week, for the whole year.

This seems slightly crazy, no albums or EPs along the way, just one song a week to keep the audience on their toes. So why the radical approach?

"Firstly I've spent most of the last 18 months waiting for other people, musically and otherwise. Nothing happens when you stand still. Secondly there's a lot of songs on my laptop and it'd be an awful shame if nobody ever heard them. Lastly, and this might seem a little odd, because I can't remember the last time my life had a structure to it. At least this year I know where I'll be every Thursday - up until 5am mixing a song and writing a blog!".

Each song is accompanied by a blog, to ensure that nothing goes unanswered in Frank’s honest approach to song writing. This month will see the blogs transform into weekly podcasts, making the whole process a personal and interactive experience for both artist and listeners.

As with Frank Hamilton's latest tour, policy is mostly being shaped by fans themselves who voted that tracks should be available for download using the 'pay what you want' method. In addition to the song a week journey, 10 limited edition CDs will be sold/given away each week and an EP compilation of all the songs will be made available from iTunes on the last Friday of every month.

It’s a bold and ambitious project, set to stretch Hamilton to his absolute limits both artistically and
emotionally. Without any song writers and purely his own music on board, this is a challenge that will make or break him. Will each song be different, or more creatively beautiful than the last? Or will Frank Hamilton snap and release U2 cover after U2 cover? Whatever the outcome, Frank hits the challenge head on with refreshing enthusiasm, and makes some sharp promises that will hopefully keep us hanging on the edge of every song:

"Aside from the lack of sleep I don't really see any negatives. This whole thing gives me a licence to test the waters in ways I never could if I was making a 12 track album. Sitting in my house and releasing 52 songs that sound the same just isn't an option. I'd get bored and so would everyone else".

