The Oasis and Beady Eye frontman comfortably claimed first place out polling second place Freddie Mercury two to one to officially claim Xfm's Greatest Frontman Of All Time.

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Xfm's Steve Harris called Liam to present the news. Not surprisingly, he thought it was the right result.

"Greatest frontman? I knew that anyway! There's not many of us about. There are a lot of pretenders out there. But I'd like to thank everybody for voting and stuff. Nice one."

Asked if he ever entertained the thought of being a guitarist or other sideman, Liam said: "I don't think I could handle the bass guitar, but I could see myself down the line on guitar and I can see myself smashing the kit up. But but singing is all I can do. It's always been about the vocal for me, man. If you're a good looking fucker like me, you've got to be down the front, haven't you?"

And how did Liam come up with his trademark hands-behind-the-back stance? "If I hold the microphone stand, I feel a bit weak and a bit singerish," he explained. "But when I put my hands behind my back I feel more power… it feels like it's going to go off at any minute.