Kimberly Wyatt’s mom once tricked her into eating pig’s brains.

The former Pussycat Doll star has a healthy approach to food and follows a sensible diet. Kimberly is a talented dancer and realises how important it is to eat the right foods to fuel your body. The 31-year-old claims her mother once disguised the brains of a pig, by mixing them together with a breakfast favourite.

“Pig’s brains with scrambled eggs,” she replied when asked to reveal the strangest thing she’s ever eaten. “My mom fed it to me when I was a kid and she didn’t tell me what it was until after I’d eaten it.”

Kimberly loves tucking into a wide range of fresh fruit and vegetables, revealing asparagus, celery and red peppers are her favourite foods to snack on.

However, she does have a sweet tooth and sometimes has to satisfy her cravings for chocolate digestive biscuits.

Kimberley also confessed she doesn’t spend too much time in the kitchen. She prefers to eat light, healthy meals – but has a few dishes in her repertoire should a potential suitor come over for dinner.

“Pasta – it’s all I know how to make!” Kimberly laughed to British magazine Closer when asked what she would cook to impress a man.

As well as hearty Italian meals, Kimberly has a weakness for Chinese food.

If she ever wants to have a cheat day in her diet, she will order all her favourite dishes from her local takeaway.

“Chinese – shredded beef, crispy duck with pancakes, mushrooms and greens, egg fried rice and chicken satay with peanut sauce,” she explained when asked to describe her dream takeout meal.

