Absolute Radio’s Sarah Champion spoke to 2013’s breakout British artist Passenger backstage in the Hard Rock VIP area at Hard Rock Calling before he took to the stage at the Olympic Park.

Passenger, real name Mike Rosenberg told Sarah about his love for Ed Sheeran and how he’ll always be eternally grateful to have met him:“We’ve been mates for about 5 years. We met when we were on the same bill at a local gig and really liked what each other were doing. When Ed got massive he took me on tour with him and changed my life. I love him – he’s a wonderful guy”

Passenger revealed that he’d been telling his friends that he was supporting Bruce Springsteen, while that’s not technically true “I’ve been telling all my mates ‘yeah I’m supporting Bruce Springsteen – no big deal’ – That’s not true at all but it’s a nice lie to tell. I do a cover of ‘Dancing In The Dark’ and it’s just such an incredible lyric so can’t wait to hear Bruce play it”

Passenger is humbled by the success of his smash single ‘Let Her Go’ He said “I was just strolling along playing small gigs in little pubs and bars and busking and then wrote this tune and it’s been massive. It’s been quite a shock really.”

When asked about how he split from his band ‘Passenger’ – whose name he decided to take on for his solo project, he said: “You know I did part ways with my band and it was a sad time. Not being able to see my best mates day in and day out was tough and I took it badly. Professionally I suppose it was a good decision but at least I still see the guys back in Brighton. They’re all doing their own music projects and everything is totally cool between us.”

