Yesterday it was announced that Brian Viglione from Dresden Dolls is the new drummer for The Violent Femmes, replacing founding drummer Victor DeLorenzo.

The Violent Femmes recently reunited for their first shows on six years and played Coachella.

The band was three shows into the reunion when DeLorenzo pulled the pin and left the band.

This is his full, edited version of events:

It’s always hard to write a eulogy for a lost loved one. In this case, I sadly lament the loss of a dream and an ideal that was once Violent Femmes.

When I first heard the news about the possibility of the original Violent Femmes reuniting, I was excited that once again our group might be able to play music for the fans that love us and for the new fans that have never had the chance to see us create the music live. The only conditions that I had were that the 3 of us move forward to repair our relationships within the band, and that we would strive to attain a fair business agreement that would reflect a new way of handling the business that wouldn’t be “business as usual”.

Sadly, my open-hearted approach to finding a way to move forward wasn’t shared by Violent Femmes. What was finally being offered to me was, “business as usual”, with a great deal of disrespect, dishonesty and greed.

After having found out that the Promoters of our recent concerts weren’t interested in booking our group unless it was, “the reunion of the original band”, I spoke to 2 of the biggest concert Promoters in the World that handled 2 of our shows, and they told me directly that this was true. So it confuses me that fans and the promoters see the value in presenting the original band, but not the band itself. I realize that I’m no longer part of the copyright after having given up my business interest in Violent Femmes years ago, but I will always be part of the birthright of Violent Femmes, for which I will always be very proud!

I’m sorry and I apologize that the fans, promoters and agents won’t get to see the Violent Femmes show that was being offered and that people bought tickets to see…

As John Lennon once said, “the Dream is over” … In regards to my history with Violent Femmes, “the Dream never quite got there”.


On the evening of June 26th, 2013 …. On the stage of the Marcus Amphitheater at Summerfest … I gave to the World my
last performance with Violent Femmes … Milwaukee, … We were yours for the night, and now … FOREVER!

Sincerely and with warm regards,
Victor DeLorenzo

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