L-Ghanja tal-Poplu 2014 INTERVIEW:

Christian Arding

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L-Ghanja tal-Poplu 2014 Song title:
Il-Karba tal Mument

Lyrics & Music written by :
Music by Chan Vella Lyrics by Kevin Tanti

What message does your song give?
Its about children who passes from the separation of there parents

Do you like to compete in Festivals? Why/Why Not?:
Yes because I like challenges

This Festival supports our native tongue. Do you prefer to sing in Maltese, English or another language?
I like singing both even in Italian

Which is your favourite Maltese Song of all time?:
Fejn thobb il-qalb by Mike Spiteri

And your favourite International Song of all time?:
Michael Buble songs

Who inspires you as an Artist?:
Michael Buble

Would you share highlights from your music career during the last 12 months? :
These last 12 month I've been working on new material

What are your goals in music ? :
To build a music school

How much time per day do you spend on your music career ? :
Most of the time every day

If you had to choose another Artist to duet with, who would that be and why?
Michael buble because he inspires me being me

Do you have a message for the Music News Malta followers ? :
Just do not hesitate to follow maltese music and artists because we have a lot of talent in Malta and buy our music because we are small and we need you to participate in our music


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