Brian May’s London Stereoscopic Company collaborated with leading production company and animation studio, Unanico Group, to adapt the critically acclaimed book, Diableries, into a magical seven minute film, One Night In Hell, with effects that will captivate and astound visitors.
The short film, produced by Unanico Group and Duck Productions in association with The London Stereoscopic Company, features an original soundtrack by Brian May, has launched at over 20 film festivals worldwide, was given five stars in the British press, proclaimed by Esquire to be the “best film you’ll see all Halloween,” and hit the number one spot for short films on iTunes.
With the heritage of making horror films for over 80 years, Universal Studios Hollywood brings you the most terrifying live Halloween event in Los Angeles! Halloween Horror Nights 2015 offers a haunting new slate of nightmares featuring the most authentic scares from some of the biggest horror properties in film and TV. One Night In Hell is set to be a main attraction at the event, which runs from 18th September until 1 November.
A 3D phenomenon of 1860s Paris will be unleashed on 21st century Hollywood. In association with The London Stereoscopic Company, One Night in Hell is a devilish and spectacular animation short that tells the story of one skeleton’s journey into a stereoscopic Hell.
Using an innovative combination of CGI, 2D and stop motion animation, the film brings to life, for the first time, the Diableries stereo cards that have fascinated devotees for over 150 years and inspired the earliest film-makers, including Georges Méliès. Adapted from the book, “Diableries: Stereoscopic Adventures in Hell” by Brian May, Denis Pellerin and Paula Fleming, the film is a satanic 6 minutes and 66 seconds long, styled after the traditional Diableries stereo cards from 19th century France.
One Night in Hell is directed by Jason Jameson and James Hall and the soundtrack features new music composed by Brian May.
Check out the exclusive interview with Brian about it below.