Music News favorite singer/songwriter Scott Krokoff is back again with an inspiring and powerful new single "My Own Terms". "It is a song about perseverance," says Krokoff. "It's about staying the course to achieve whatever goal or goals you have in mind regardless of whether you have failed previously or made mistakes."

We certainly know what it's like to have others doubt you, or to even doubt yourself. But if you let go of those doubts and fears, you will quickly realize what Krokoff has already; "It’s your life, your journey, your flight."

And with that, we hope that "My Own Terms" helps you soar away and discover something new and exciting. Open up that next chapter just like Krokoff has clearly done in his songwriting by recording this song and sharing its hopeful words with the world.

The second that kick drum comes in to start the song, you can't help but immediately want to hop in a convertible, put your arms out and ride off into the next chapter of your life. Stream it here: