Rich Dad Poor Dad bestselling author and the world’s leading personal finance expert Robert Kiyosaki will headline the free livestream GLOBAL CRISIS SUMMIT across the United Kingdom from 8am London time on Sunday 30th August 2020 with keynote speakers including author, Harvard economist Harry Dent and property analyst Martin North. Complimentary registration is available at

With unemployment doubling, mortgage stress climbing , the second wave of Covid-19 coming and property prices falling it’s only a matter of time untill the stock markets crash and the world will go into the worst economic crisis of all time, worse than the 1929 Great Depression.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is the trigger that’s caused the sudden crash but the worst is yet to come. With the plunging economy and the US government printing 6-7 trillion dollars, it’s inevitable that property prices & stock markets will fall and zombie companies that are being held up by the banks with low interest will crash along with the Chinese stock market.”

“China has enormous investment in the UK, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and the US. The world’s biggest trading partner in history is China and when its stock market goes down 60-80% this has to affect the rest of the world. When China goes bust, and China created most of the growth globally, the rest of the world will follow. In 1929 the epicentre of history’s biggest ever crash was New York City and this time in 2021 – it will be China” says Harry Dent.