Pam Messer releases 'Broken Angel' from her forthcoming 'Grovers Garden' album which is dedicated to her mother.

“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.”” - Pablo Picasso

Broken Angel by Pam Messer from Grovers Garden

As Pam explains: "This album is dedicated to my mum Mo who is sadly no longer with us.

She died in May 2020, just made it to my birthday and left a few days later. She wrote a final birthday card and gave me a few quid as mums do.

I put it to good use - towards a recording microphone - my sister helped towards an ipad and here I am - where there's a will there's a way.

All my creations for Grovers Garden have been made in Garage band. I don't have the tech to record in anything else but my voice so it may be a bit clunky but I am sure you will get my vibe.

The last track on the album is - Mos Song. I wrote it in 2019 when I knew she was becoming unwell and struggled to get my head around that.

When the Pandemic became known I was living in West Wales. I travelled to visit mum in hospital in England and bam - along came lock down the same week! I tried everything to get my keyboard sent up to me and continue songwriting - no luck at all......So.......I managed to scrape together and buy one....had to be new as no one could travel to buy from from each other. I settled with the least expensive with the most functionality and a glorious afternoon was spent giving a concert to Mo and letting her hear 'her' song.

She needed speech therapy and everyday we would run through the exercises and sing a bit of the cat duet as we had when I was a teenager.

Okay we thought - we got this - Mo was keeping her strength with her exercise bike and she was positive.

One week later she could no longer stand - MND had come for her and we hadn't seen health professionals as the virus kept everyone apart. When they came that was it......a rapid down turn keeping her comfortable all that remained.

Mum and Dad had been married over 50 years. I was the trapped fly on the wall witnessing their parting and in complete anguish.It was just the three of us.

Dad had been a musician and singer for a lot of his working life. He has a gift. Mum's singing voice was 'interesting' She would joke she was in the choir at school and dad had told her she couldn't sing.

Well mum I can do that for you.........Mos moments will be heard around the world and I will be stepping out to take the stage for you."

Release 30 September 2022

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