This July 21 - 24, as the legendary immersive The Secret Garden Party makes a welcome return for its 20th anniversary edition, following a self-imposed hiatus of five years, a brand-new feature documentary That Was a Serious Party, directed by Dylan Harvey, takes us on a magical journey of why the UK’s most anarchic, creative festival is so loved, and how it originated.

It arrives on digital platforms on July 25, courtesy of Bohemia Media and it will also be available on their own digital platform, Bohemia Euphoria ( from July 21.

How do you grow a festival? There is one person to ask, and that is Freddie Fellowes the founder of The Secret Garden Party. This brand-new documentary does just that as it takes us behind the scenes and shares the story of how a small party in field, attended by a few hundred people, went on to become a seminal, much-loved event filled with music, art, and creativity, but most of all made a massive connection with its audience, encouraging participation and friendships, where everyone is a VIP.

Freddie Fellowes says:
“In its 15-year pioneering history SGP had never allowed any backstage access to photographers let alone film makers - but in 2017 (the year we thought was our last) this changed due to the silver tongues of the director and producer of this film, Dylan and Haseeb.

In a festival world dominated by stories of Fyre, theft and rampant commercialism; ours is a very different take on a counterculture that has taken the world by storm.”