New wave pop rock band Good Time Locomotive (GTL) release their debut ‘80’s throwback’ single Lines of symmetry about turbulent relationships and the wisdom of rekindling ‘old flames’ 13/05/23. Stream here.

GTL formed over lockdown on zoom to create a musically rich, eclectic, emotive and unique style born out of a collective passion for the power music has to help overcome adversity.

Recorded on their Canal boat studio, GTL are set to release several singles followed by their debut EP later this year with another EP waiting in the wings and is the brainchild of seasoned musicians and fresh new talent.

GTL has one aim in mind; to write music and lyrics with an emotional punch and a positive message, to help people get back to having a good time in life!

Now is your chance to be one of the first to feature this brand new talent with a bright future ahead of them!

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