The Los Angeles-based singer, songwriter and producer frogi has been on the cusp of gaining wider attention since releasing ‘moonlight’ eighteen months ago. She has since ascended Hype Machine, hitting the Top 5 Trending Songs and Top 10 Trending Artists, and been embraced by the fashion world with in-store playlists from H&M and Ralph Lauren.

Having released everything to date independently, including her most recent and biggest streamed track ‘Dylan’, frogi now shares her new single ‘phantom limb’, which is the first release from the new label Apartment 22.

Music News caught up with Frogi to fund out more...

Tell us about your new single ‘Phantom Limb’.
It’s a very special song to me. Having a conversation with my younger self was so healing and necessary for me to grow as a human. It took about fifteen different versions before I fell on the right one, so it’s also been quite a process in the production. Because I produce everything myself, I felt quite fearless in the choices I was making, and I’m very proud of where the track ended up.

Dreamy and poetic what did you set out to capture in your vocal style?
Thanks! Dreamy and poetic are definitely great words to describe my goals with the vocal sound. I never want to give away too much with the lyric, but I also want it to sound familiar and relatable. It’s definitely a balance. I am a huge vocal production nerd and I spend a lot of time on harmonies and arrangement. There are always a lot of layers within my vocal productions and I think that adds to my distinct style. I never really start with a particular goal, I just work and see what sounds good to me in the moment. My taste is pretty particular so it always ends up being within the same world.

Are you always experimenting with sound?
Yes! I love trying new methods and finding unconventional sounds. Finding new ways to manipulate and experience sound will always keep me inspired. As soon as I find myself stuck in the same group of samples or instruments, I try to find new ones to try.

Do you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve?
Relatively! I’ll never know exactly what the future holds. I am clear on the fact that I will keep creating and making music no matter what. All I can hope is that more and more people enjoy it! I’m hoping to expand my productions and work with more artists as well. I’ve really been loving producing for other people.

When can we expect an album?
Hopefully soon! It’s been a goal of mine to make a full album. My dream is to go into the mountains for a month or two and just focus purely on an album and write it from start to finish. I definitely have enough songs for an album but I’m really curious about a concept/storyline type of album, so when I do one I think it will be that way.

You are getting onto more and more playlists as word spreads, if you had to sum up your style how would you do it?
Yes, it’s been incredibly exciting. I’m very grateful. This is a very hard question for me to answer as people interpret my musical style in different ways. I’m a bit bedroom/indie/dream pop I guess. Sonically I just try to create what’s in my head and it comes out sounding the way it does.

What are your musical ambitions?
I am always hoping to improve my production ability. I’ve grown a lot over the past 8 years producing, and I want to experiment and push myself more. I also have an all female choir of girls that play live shows with me. They’re called the frogi friends, and they are all in the entertainment industry in one way or another. We help each other out and support each other’s music. It’s really beautiful. But I would want the frogi friends to grow, and turn it into a label/collective some day.

Who are your heroes in music?
Stevie Nicks, Justin Vernon, David Bowie, Tove Lo + many more!

When were you first bitten by the musical bug?
As a child when I sang at school and in choirs. My sisters and I would always sing together, too. I’ve always been a singer and it just grew from there.

When can we expect to see you in the UK?
Hopefully soon! I would love to come.

For someone that hasn’t come across you yet what three songs would you say check these out they sum me up?
Great question! I would say Dylan, phantom limb, and til I turn blue.