You are not your past is one of those albums that packs a lot of musical genres in. There are gentle acoustic guitar compositions, rocking classic songs that bring to mind the Rolling Stones, and other pieces that incorporate dance rhythms and synths.

With a large ensemble of musicians (six bassists are credited) Kirk McElhinney’s baritone folks and virtuoso acoustic and Spanish guitar lead the way. The first of the 10 originals is Cold Embrace which starts with ambient, atonal singing and backing, with a gentle new-age piano tinkling away in the background before drums and synth take it to the place where techno beats and acoustic songwriting meets. This is a song with plenty in it, the slide guitars add atmosphere, and the synths in the background of the coda help to add to the mood of the piece. This would be an excellent concert opener.

Track two Love will Find A Way is a gentle, acoustic reverie, with lively drums, and intricate guitars. Give Thanks is classic sixties influenced pop, with a nagging, melodic guitar refrain. The pace picks up for Ticking Clock, all gospel choir, rocking drums and the type of chorus that the Rolling Stones churned out regularly.

Sleep Within a Dream is a synth and piano-based piece, with jazz saxophone to the fore, and shows another facet to McElhinney’s musical talent. Although it is a relatively simple piece, a lot is happening within to reward repeated listening.

The final track In the End is a piece for acoustic guitar, packed with a fair pace, interesting chords, and a good melody. Kirk McElhinney and the many people on You are Not Your Past have created a fine album, that takes influences from the past, but which still has plenty of new things to say.