Featuring ex-members of INHEAVEN, two-piece Wings Of Desire (Chloe and James) follow up this year’s earlier ‘End of an Age’ EP and return to give more salient, sophist and sound advice about how life can be lived and ideally ought to be. ‘Follow the humanuscript’

Physical existences free from the systems of nudge-nudge unthink-unthink coercive digital networked control, away from the structures of craven conspicuous consumption and at allowed the licence to be at liberty in the (heart)lands of unregulated time and space. ‘Techular emancipation’

Four-track EP, ‘Amun-Ra’ is named after the Egyptian deity that represents unlimited and boundless freedom and provides illumination on darkened paths and unlit avenues waiting to be tread. Clues and trails are left for the true seer to follow leading to roads of redemption with nary a false idol in sight.

James (not ‘that’ one) Taylor eschews the full-throat theatrics of much screed-sermonisers and opts for a repetitive, rote-like recital of obviousims. The kind that resonate with the gut, the inbuilt detector of all that’s best for you. Or not. ‘Trust your gut to bust the rut’.

‘Choose a life’ adapts and updates the 1980s manna-mantra and skewers the proscribed goals laid out for each and everyone, drolly puncturing the myth that happiness lies at the end of a soulless shopping aisle or is waiting for you in an online handcart. ‘You can plug the gap by unplugging from the crap.’

‘Better late than never’ is the resounding sound of realisation, the noise of arrived at poise, the reassurance from/of the present that everything endeavoured up to this moment has been worth it. ‘OUTTAMYMIND’ is a wholly superior glam-racket, an ire-wall of sound.

The closing ‘Forgive & Forget’ spies the sunset and strives to reach it before it disappears from view. Celebratory and emancipatory, the roads ahead are paved with unforetold gold. If you know where to look and listen.