There's a perception among the music listening public that when writing an album, an artist will simply come up with a concept in their head then craft music that fits into that theme. Certainly to those hearing only the finished product it seems that way. Like the artist is a divine craftsman, forging pieces to a master vision. Most times it is far less ordained than that. Usually, an artist will write whatever comes to mind at the time, eventually finding a way to sew these disparate ideas into a cohesive narrative. In the old major record company heyday, bands would write 25-30 songs and the producer and record company execs would cut it down to the 12 most commercially viable tracks. This could mean that more interesting or conceptually complex material would be left on the cutting room floor. The material would only be revealed upon the artist's death, at which point, it fills boxsets out of context and out of the period in which it was intended.

With his latest project Open Sesame, Istanbul-based classic rock artist Bahadır Han Eryılmaz's is demonstrating the entire creative process by releasing the 26 songs he's written in the last few years in a five-part series. Why release according to the old tropes when streaming offers the possibility for your fans to hear the full range of your catalogue, however you intend for them to hear it. The tracks are arranged into cohesive EPs that showcase a different theme. Press Rewind is the second in the series, a collection that takes a step back from the immense arena anthems and settles into more introspective fare. The acoustic guitar is more prevalent here with the constant strum giving each tune its backbone.

'Haze' has a Jackson Browne kind of self-assured laid back cruising attitude. Ride heavy choruses with hearty backing vocals supporting vocalist Bryan Duffy (Guns' Roses, Velvet Revolver) make for classic rock perfection. 'Statement' takes it down for a western-tinged croon, with great 90s grunge harmonies. Duffy's Steve Perry tone bursts out on 'Sweet' hitting that Journey level howl. 'Nothing Left' plods with a heavy blues-rock stomp and 'Apology' puts a cap on the album with a soaring solo-fueled mission statement as the band rides off into the sunset.

Press Rewind is a solid instalment in Barista's Open Sesame series. A synergistic group of tracks that share a comparable rhythm and feel while allowing Eryılmaz to stretch himself out creatively. Duffy hands in rock-solid vocal performances without always straining for the rafters. We're well on our way now.