Music-News recently had the chance to sit down with the incredibly talented singer/songwriter Scott Krokoff. With emotional and heartfelt lyrics, combined with melodic and infectious hooks, Scott Krokoff has continued to make a name for himself in a time when true singer/songwriters like Scott are overshadowed by top-40 pop music. We got the opportunity to chat with Scott about his brand new single and music video "Far Too Many Times."
Tell us about Scott Krokoff?
I am both a singer-songwriter and practicing lawyer. A crazy, not-often heard of combination I know lol (albeit not unique). That also makes me a bit of a combo of logic and emotion. I'm also meticulous, passionate, sensitive, determined and ambitious. In that regard, I've never given up on my dream to have a career as an artist, and a lot of my songs reflect that and the ups and downs that go with it. I'm a family man, too.
Who are some of your musical influences? What else inspires you? It all starts with the Beatles - the best band ever and one that still inspires me regularly. After that, Bruce Springsteen, and then a hodge podge of stuff mostly centered in the classic rock/folk rock/prog rock eras and some other 70s/80s artists (like Abba - geniuses). I listen to some modern pop too.
Congrats on the release of “Far Too Many Times”! We love it. What’s the story behind the song? Thank you! Believe it or not, it's about my wife telling me off lol. I've been a musician for a very long time and sometimes it's easy to get frustrated with the process and struggles. My wife is without question my biggest supporter but she also has to take the brunt of all my complaining, frustrations and down moments, especially when it comes to music. She has reminded me - more than once as you can tell - that no matter what happens I should keep playing my music because I love it, and that even though I may have legitimately struggled the world owes me nothing. And she is 100% right.
The music video is great too! Tell us more about that process. So happy you loved it! Ben Fraternale (Fraternale Films) did an amazing job directing this and I had such a wonderful experience shooting it. Ben kind of flipped the script on this a bit and made me the observer watching a couple going through a series of trials (with the male companion trying in multiple ways to approach "the talk" with the female companion in the hopes of changing her attitude). The reason for me observing was this: once I figured out how to best go about it based on my observations of these trials, I would then know how to approach my own significant other and be accountable for what I need to do better in changing my own attitude. This is suggested in the last scenes, but only vaguely so, and given the way we did it it's definitely open to other interpretations. The other, more overt, suggestion is that you have to move on because it's hard to change someone.
Who is one artist you’d love to tour with? The War on Drugs - love that band! A Deeper Understanding is one of my favorite recent albums. Ed Sheeran is another choice (but who wouldn't say that lol).
What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not doing music? Spending time with family and friends, obsessing about fantasy football lol, and watching action/sci-fi movies (I love everything Marvel!) and British dramas. I also love to exercise regularly.
How can our readers find you online? My site is You can also find me on Spotify, YouTube and the typical social places (Instagram mainly, but also on FB/Twitter/TikTok). Every Monday at 2pm ET I host a livestream on IG called One Up, One Down, One Cover. I would love it if you can check it out sometime! @scottkrokoffmusic.