I last came across Schnauser in 2014 when they released the superb ‘Protein For Everyone’ album. I quite adored their highly individual pop/prog/new wave approach and looked forward to hearing from them again. I didn’t expect the wait to be eight years!

In the meantime, they expanded to a quintet with the addition of Dino Christodoulou on saxes and back to a quartet with Holly Macintosh leaving to pursue her own projects. So, the line-up is now Dino Christodoulou on saxes, Duncan Gammon on keyboards, Alan Strawbridge on bass and guitars and Jasper Williams on drums & percussion. Jon Hare guests on trumpet and accordion.

The music still has that same wonderful sense of mischief and the pop/prog crossover is even more clearly stated but, for me, the defining element of the band’s music is their preparedness to incorporate rhythms and odd time signatures from many different forms of music. In the same track you may find elements of Berlin Cabaret cutting into 70’s prog with the fast pace of punk and the synth styles of Cambodian pop – and it works!

They tell stories, talk of the human condition and poke an arched eye towards all activities and attitudes but they do it with an inclusive humour and a smile rather than the despairing view of so many of their contemporaries. There are times that they remind me of the Tiger Lillies but they are kinder than that and more ‘fun’.

In terms of their musical prowess, I really cannot think of many bands around at the moment who are as capable and while they certainly don’t rein anything in they are clearly playing within their limits and serving the songs the better for all that.

One of the most original and enjoyable albums I’ve experienced this year and it is great to hear that their music is developing and progressing.