Tonight I find myself at Resorts World Arena in Birmingham as Robbie Williams brings his XXV tour to town to promote his new album which saw him over take Elvis into 2nd for the most number 1 albums in the UK with 14, only the Beatles have more.

As expected it is a sold out show with the large majority of the crowd here to celebrate his 25 years as a solo artist.
Robbie takes the crowd on a brutally honest, heart warming and nostalgic trip down memory lane telling us his lifes story in-between songs with even the odd Take That hit thrown in.

The man really is a true entertainer and the spontaneous interaction with the crowd and cutting short a song here and there to talk to the audience gives the impression each show on the tour is unique.

As for his performance, well I can honestly say his vocals are truly as good today live as any of his vocals from his past 14 albums, and he clearly still enjoys a little dance too. His band are on fine form too along with his dancers, all in all he gives the crowd exactly what they want.

Robbie talks about his mental health struggles and drug problems very openly before admitting he is now in a very good place and how much he loves his life.

Of course his back catalogue of tunes is epic aa he rips through hit after hit, Personnel highlight has to be No Regrets,
The show wraps up with the obvious, Angels and Robbie takes a bow and leaves, the crowd head for the doors but then Robbie reappears alone on stage to everyone’s surprise and starts singing lines from different songs, just Robbie, no band empathising again just how good his vocals really are. A true entertainer who deserves his status as a legend!