Boston-based pop/rock artist My Silent Bravery has accomplished many feats. From touring with artists like Bryan Adams, Billy Idol, Daughtry, and Andy Grammer, to having his music partnered with American Airlines, Ford, and Gibson Guitars. Today, Matthew Wade, A.K.A. My Silent Bravery, releases his new infectious single "Where Do We Go From Here." caught up with Matthew to find out more...

What was music like for you growing up? Did you play instruments early on?
Growing up I was always playing sports and loved listening to music but didn’t play any instruments. My musical journey began when I was 18. I had a high school senior project where I learned how to play the guitar and wrote my first song. It was a big turning point in my life, as it was one of the first times, I felt like I was choosing what I wanted to learn about and explore. Coincidentally, the song I wrote my senior year called “Side of the Road” was featured on the hit TV show One Tree Hill several years later and was one of my first big achievements.

How has Boston influenced your musical journey?
Boston and my hometown of Worcester, MA have played a large role in shaping my music and my musical journey. I would like to think I earned my stripes and cut my teeth playing at the countless bars and live music venues across the state and beyond. I learned early that a MA crowd can be tough to win over, but if you do win them over, they will become big supporters and diehard fans. It’s much like how our sports teams’ fans operate here and I am a diehard Boston sports fan!

How would you describe your music?
I often describe my music as Inspirational Alternative Rock. As an independent artist I don’t like to feel pigeonholed into one genre. I generally would consider the bulk of my music in the rock/pop/alternative world, but I also have songs that fit under the reggae, rap, blues, Americana and country genres. I like creating music that feels inspired and authentic regardless of feeling a need to fit in any one genre.

Congrats on the release of your new single, "Where Do We Go From Here"! It's great! Tell us more about the song and how it came to be. What inspired it?
Thanks so much for the kind words. I wrote the song with my friend and producer Jim McGorman (Goo Goo Dolls, Shakira, Avril Lavign) at the beginning of the pandemic. The song touched on a lot of questions we were facing as a country and society on where things were going. In addition to the pandemic, there was more division and divisiveness than I can ever recall. I like to use the analogy that people couldn’t sit down at the dinner table and discuss their world views without someone being offended. This song hits on that division both in a big picture view and individual reflection as well.

Who is one artist or band that you'd love to tour with?
There are so many artists that I would love to tour with. If I had to choose, I would probably say the Dave Matthews Band. I have probably seen them live more than any other artist. Growing up my friends would go see them all the time and I really liked the vibe of the fan base and how no two shows were the same. I think the vibe of my fan base and live show has followed suit.

What's a hobby you enjoy when you're not playing music?
I really enjoy going to the gym and getting in some exercise. Also as previously mentioned, I am a diehard Boston sports fan and enjoy cheering on my teams!

What's next for My Silent Bravery?
My wife and I just gave birth to our first child, our baby daughter Sophie Dahlia, so I don’t plan to hit the road, but plan to play some local shows to support my new album. I have a 20-song double album called ‘Silence & bravery’ that I plan to start releasing singles once a month! In addition, I do a free live stream acoustic concert every Sunday on, where fans can tune in and stream the show from the comfort of their homes. Like the aforementioned DMB, the setlist is always different and I enjoy taking live request and keeping the fans (and myself) guessing at what songs I will play!

How can our readers keep up with you moving forward?
You can find me at all of the sites under ‘My Silent Bravery’. Just search me and I am usually there! I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read this and hope to see you on social media or at a Sunday Livestream concert!