Stevie R. Pearce And The Hooligans are greatly revered and respected within the global rock and metal scene and have become one of the leading lights for UK rock music in recent years. The latest incarnation of the band consisting of frontman and founder Stevie Pearce on Lead Vocals and Guitar, Christian Kimmett on Bass, Charles Evans on Drums and Ash Tustain on Guitar, define a brand new and exciting era for the ‘Hooligans’ with a string of brand-new releases and high-profile headline shows. The band have released their latest pleasing Hell-raising screamer of a single “Out Go The Lights” - recorded, mixed and mastered by Jacob Hansen, - out now across all the usual streaming platforms.

“Out Go the Lights” was recorded with, mixed and mastered by Jacob Hansen and is the start point for the Hooligans’ exhilarating new direction. The track is an unrelenting blast of raw, visceral energy, channelling out-of-the-blue lightning rage and pure screaming anger. You know (it’s happened to you, right?) - the blind rage when no one listens in critical situations and you try and remain calm, but, through either ignorance or sheer egotism, they can only see things from their own narrow viewpoint. So, you lose it. Big Time. We’ve all been there.
Stevie explains the song was inspired by a recent argument where trouble was brewing: “I just had to walk away. The alternative was ‘out go the lights’ – in other words, kick off a fight, which is what I really wanted to do and what I think most people want to do, but don't. Anger is an energy to be used carefully.”

With a brand-new team of Hooligans behind him, Stevie is poised to make waves in 2023 and beyond. Go see them smash a live date near you! Meanwhile, we caught up with the main man himself – (also FYI well known for his role in Jizzy Pearl’s latest line-up of legendary L.A. rock band Love/Hate, his work in Warrior Soul, and the Black Bullets) - to ask a few revealing questions:

Where did you get the name for the band (are they really Hooligans?!)
Many Moons ago, in the first band I was in ( that semi took it seriously), one of the first songs I ever wrote was called “Hooligan”. The first time I ever got around to recording it properly was for my first solo record that came out in 2018. I was Looking for a “and the” to go after my name when I launched, and there it was! Hooligans. It was very fitting at the time, a way of life I guess- particularly where music and Rock and roll is concerned, it’s all or nothing, vicious, powerful. Minus the Violent connotations related to the word, I will never condone that

How would you describe your music?
Somewhere in the middle of The Holy Trinity. Punk is above, Metal is below and Rock and roll fills the gaps.

Tell us about the new single 'Out Go The Lights'
It's about anger, as Mr Lydon says, it is an energy. I'm very much a work in progress as a human, but anger is something I don't use in real life.. I have in the past, it never ends well.. but i still get the emotion of it. The song is my interpretation of what happens if I act on it. Let's face it, the world is a bit pissed off at the moment and probably for the foreseeable. Moscow can't keep its hands to itself, the price of living is through the roof, the wake of the pandemic, there's fear on the streets.. and soon we will have a hose pipe ban... stress levels are stacked, and emotional exchange turns into riot. Jacob Hansen (volbeat) recorded, mixed and mastered the song.. its Massive, and live it'll be even better..

Are you looking forward to playing live dates this Summer?
Very much so, it’s been a while. We don't stick with the pack nor play frequently as others.. we need a reason to go out. The scene is doing very interesting things at the moment. There seems to be a shift happening. I LOVE playing live..

We hear there may be more singles and an album in the works - can you let us know more about that?
Album wise, it'll be a while yet.. That boils down to cost mainly. I'm sat on a lot of great material, the plan is to keep releasing.. The best is yet to be revealed.

What’s the grand plan for the band for the next 5 years?
5 years ago, when I started the Hooligans the only plan was to write and release the best I could- 5 years on, I'm still here and still doing that.. so I guess I'll stick to what I know for the next 5. You have to stick it out long enough to see any kind of benefit haha..

Where is the best place to find you online?
Instagram, trawling pug related content @stevierpearceandthehooligans and Facebook.

June/July 2023 Tour Dates (More dates to be confirmed):
21/06 Bannermans, Edinburgh, tickets
22/06 The Waterloo Blackpool, tickets
23/06 Facebar Reading tickets
24/06 Corporation Sheffield tickets
22/07 Black Heart Camden tickets