Music-News is excited to exclusively premiere 'Aesthetics,' the brand new single by Ukrainian born pop singer/songwriter Natisa Gogol. We had the opportunity to sit down with Natisa and ask her some questions about her super catchy music and growing up in Ukraine.

Tell us about how you grew up in Ukraine and how does this manifest itself in your musical appearance and in you as an artist?
I was lucky, I was born with a clear understanding of my destiny. I never looked for myself, going through different professions, I always knew what to do and what to do. And of course, the environment, I grew up in a musical Ukrainian family, absorbed Ukrainian culture and Ukrainian music.

We are very sorry that you had to flee Ukraine. What have you learned from this that you hope to share with others?
The past year has forever become a turning point in my life, a year that has changed a lot both in the outer and inner world.
The year was full of acquisitions and acquisitions, completion of communications and the beginning of new ones. All these events are, of course, very emotional and follow my soul deeply. And the conclusion that I made for myself is this: what is inside us is stronger than what is outside. Rays of hope and faith will illuminate the exceptional darkness. You must believe no matter what. Perhaps my work has become deeper and more meaningful. Now I understand exactly what and how I want, and most importantly, to convey. My story is not simple, and I am grateful for the opportunity to learn about it and hear it. It echoes the story of many people expelled from their country because of the outbreak of war, and I think that everyone will find something of their own in it. Perhaps it will push someone to action, motivate someone, just give someone a ray of hope...

How would you describe your music and sound? Who influenced the music?
The music I sing is full of feelings, love and power. It is very important for me to convey the message, the meaning. Get to the very heart and light something very important in it.
My father instilled in me a love of music since childhood, and he influenced me. Then in my life there was not a day without music. We are all unique. I like the timbre of my voice, it is recognizable and memorable. But, most likely, my listeners will answer this question better.

We like your new single "Aesthetics". What inspired this song? Tell us more about the recording process.
This composition will surprise you. This is a completely different song in style and content, in which my vocals also open. This is our experiment, and it seems to me quite successful. Me and our whole team are in love with this song and we believe that it will be able to win the hearts of completely different listeners.
I would really like the song "Aesthetics" to tell a story about love, which is stronger than anything in life, overcoming injustice, prejudice and any trials in its path. I wanted her to assert that love, as a phenomenon, has the right to exist from nature.

The words "if God had even one chance to see ma chère petite ami mon amie, he would depart from me in the deep waters of your eyes."

It seems to me that society often stigmatizes feelings, marking them as "right" or "wrong." The main inspiration for this story came from the relationship between the Spanish painter Salvador Dalí and the Spanish poet Federico García Lorca. They found their paradise, experienced, in a sense, seemingly known each other for countless lifetimes, and experienced the most forbidden fruit. These words express my feelings about their story.

At the same time, this song was created as a fairy tale, because a secret always lurks along the shores of feeling...

What do you like to do besides your musical career?
I love to write poetry, study psychology and communicate with extraordinary people, I draw incredible inspiration from people.

What's next for you?
This is a rhetorical question))) But if we talk about plans, now the team and I are releasing an album and a duet with one famous artist. I think you will soon find out about the plans for the future...

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