Angelina Mango, the Italian singer songwriter winner of the prestigious San Remo music festival and Italian representative in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest is on a summer tour and tonight she is in Bellinzona, Switzerland on this rather chilly summer’s evening.
Her father, Pino Mango was a very talented and well respected singer in his own write, sadly passing away prematurely at the age of 60, Angelina just 13 years of age at the time. Her determination since then to follow in his footsteps has been unassailable and this along with an undeniable talent has endeared her to the Italian public such that the future looks bright indeed.

Angelina bounds on stage and immediately starts to rouse what is initially a rather reserved crowd it has to be said, managing eventually thanks to her boundless energy and enthusiasm to bring them round to her side. Her capableness to dance and sing seamlessly thanks to an undeniable and gifted vocal ability and skilful dance moves is quite a feat, not be taken for granted, especially, as she at least, is 100% live. A natural stage performer she does manifest a hint of shyness when addressing the audience between songs, preferring the singing, music groove and dance moves to do the talking for her. Not many musicians on stage it has to be said apart from a drummer, guitarist and percussionist so there are undoubtedly backing tracks being played, a frequent but rather sad state of affairs too often present in live shows these days.

Other than her popular hits such as “Voglia Di Vivere”, “Ci Pensiamo Domani” and “Che T’o Dico A Fa” , Angelina performed songs from her new album Poké Melodrama , which have rap-ish verses mingled in with her distinctive vocal style creating a versatile platform that can grab a crowd, open to many different music tastes and vibes. Her most popular song, “ La Noia”, winner of Sanremo 2024 and then displayed on a much wider scale at the Eurovision Song Contest, was so well received, she played it twice; during the set giving everyone the chance to sing and dance along and as an encore with a cool, smooth indie-vibe acoustic version . Angelina Mango is something special and here to stay I feel. Hop on for the ride.

