Are you ready to dance, asked Daniel Bartholomew-Poyser, the conductor of the BBC Concert Orchestra, and from the fanfare introducing Disco Inferno, the audience was on its feet. Sequins flashing, clapping and singing along with vocalist Cedric Neal, the party kicked off and continued through some of the great anthems of the genre: Everybody Dance, Native New Yorker, Hot Stuff, If I Can’t Have You, Rock the Boat and of course, Night Fever. These are classic songs, instantly recognisable and yet Callum Au as the arranger has managed to find a fresh interpretation of every one, whether it’s the appearance of the balalaika (a Russian stringed instrument) solo on Rasputin, or a New Orleans brass band instead of the trombone on I’m Coming Out.

A particular highlight was Vula Malinga’s dramatic reveal heralding a powerful medley of I Will Survive/Never Can Say Goodbye, and Elisabeth Troy’s fabulous version of Turn The Beat Around, seamlessly integrating a crisp high speed rap. Song after song was given a fresh twist and exuberant delivery, and the crowd didn’t stop dancing. Given a full orchestration, subtler funk and soul influences were drawn out and the lush beauty of the melodies brought to the fore. The most fantastic evening of joyous songs, available on iPlayer from 24 August and the BBC Sounds app immediately, if you want to catch up with the party.

