This is Bywater Call’s third album and the first that they have self-produced, self-recorded and even controlled the release through Continental Record Services. Having that level of control can lead to the kind of bloated and over-produced music we have all heard over the years, but no, this is taut and controlled but with a delicious looseness to some of it that makes the music sound unique and personal.

The sound of the band is pretty special – imagine a really good Southern Rock band but fronted by a soulful and ballsy lady singer. Meghan Parnell (who co-founded the band with guitarist Dave Barnes). They have a strong rhythm section in Bruce McCarthy (drums) and Mike Meusel (bass) and fine keyboards from John Kervin.
When they rock, you get up and dance with them, but they also play ballads with real sensitivity and aren’t averse to throwing in the occasional knuckleball to mix things up.

The latest single, ‘Colours’, is a fine example of what they are about. “The song mixes lush and spacey ambience, alongside explosive hits, as our protagonist wrestles with her inner turmoil” says Bywater Call’s guitarist, Dave Barnes.

On the soulful and rocky side there is ‘Everybody Knows’ with an awesome vocal from Meghan, wailing like Aretha, and abrilliant horn section.

Bywater Call were pipped to the post as International Blues Artist of the year by Larkin Poe but if they keep this up, I can see a lot of awards in their future.

Excellent album and a band to watch out for.

They tour the UK from October 16 – 27th. Album and tickets available from

