I don’t believe that there is another female singer (or possibly male for that matter) who has the range of emotional projection that Beth Hart does. She has had a difficult life, and her experiences come out in every song.
An incredibly powerful performer, she brings all the extremes of her capabilities to every song, the results are exhausting for the listener but utterly worthwhile.

This is another superb album in a career of excellence. 12 songs, all different in style and all bringing out something different from her vast range of life experiences, all the trial and the joys as well.

Beth says about the title track, "This is a true story. I had a moment where I wasn't in a positive mood, and I was hanging out on the couch, crying pretty hard, and Scott said, 'Hey, do you need a hug?' I said, I've got nothing inside left to love, and he said, you still got me. I said, hang on a minute; I'll be right back. I went downstairs and used those words and how he said it. You say something like that, and someone you love says back, but you've still got me. It's true. If I've still got him, I've still got everything."

The album goes from the rocky opener ‘Savior With A Razor’ (featuring Slash) to the Brechtesque ‘Never Underestimate A Gal’ to the massive emotional explosion of ‘Don’t Call The Police’ (destined to be a great live number I think) or the sweet and passionate ‘Wonderful World’ and throughout her voice is strong and full-throated.

She is at the point of her career where she can turn her hand to many different styles and carry them all off in a manner that says ‘Beth Hart’ and no-one else.

