Bob Sinclar is a French record producer, House music DJ, remixer and owner of the label Yellow Productions. We caught up with him prior to the release of his latest single "Together" Feat. Steve Edwards.

MN: What’s your latest news?

Bob Sinclar: I’ve been in LA and it’s amazing. It’s such a different lifestyle there and a different atmosphere, so different to Europe. They are all into R&B and Hip Hop.

MN: Has that inspired you and made you change direction?

Bob Sinclar: It is inspiring but I haven’t changed musical direction, I always draw the line between Hip Hop and House. I come from Hip Hop and I am into Dance music too so when I go to LA it’s always good because I get to see so many things.

MN: What is the message behind your new record 'Together?’

Bob Sinclar: The song is all about sharing moments together. If we do things together, better things will happen. At the moment we don’t really talk to people because of text and email we don’t share emotion, we don’t meet each other. Our knowledge can pass down to the younger generations. We have to be together, we don’t care about the colour of people or religion. To be stronger we have to share.

MN: How important is it for you to communicate this positive message?

Bob Sinclar: It’s what we need at the moment. I make music because I need it. When I’m in the studio I have to feel that kind of emotion so I can keep going and I always think there must be people out there wanting the same thing. I just produce what I feel. With music we have the power to preach and as a DJ you are just like a preacher. If you have something to say, why not say it with music?

MN: How was it working with Steve Edwards again?

Bob Sinclar: I love to work with him it’s been amazing how we write. We have such strong messages in the songs and people love those messages. I always told Steve to keep up the vibe in the lyrics and that I would supply the best instrumental I could. So there’s a lot of melancholy and emotion.

MN: Have your children affected your music?

Bob Sinclar: Of course, they are the first audience. If they don’t like it its very important because they are very innocent and have an instant reaction with a true judgement. The young generations are listening to my music and dance music in general. The internet allows music and the message to spread faster than ever and 'You Tube’ allows kids to make videos and really get involved.

MN: Who came up with the idea for the video?

Bob Sinclar: I did, we filmed in eight different countries and there are some beautiful moments. I added the kids singing in the video to the track to get some interaction. My son is in it, and Steve Edward’s children are too. It was a great experience.

MN: The sound of the track is similar to 'World Hold On’, is there a reason for this?

Bob Sinclar: I kept a similar bass line because people loved 'World Hold On.’ I wanted to repeat the same vibe on a couple of the tracks for the 'Sounds of Freedom’ album. People love the way I mix acoustic with Hip Hop and House beats. It’s nice to have a signature in your production, and I really wanted to keep the same emotion.

Buy 'Together’ here

Digital – 17th March 2008
Physical – 24th March 2008


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