Ah, the Academy. It's like a big factory of noise and plastic glasses. Tonight the bouncers are all really happy as anyone who may be causing trouble is likley to be at most a third of their body weight. Merrily chuckling at their jovial comments, I caught the final tune by David E. Sugar, which i would have completely forgotten if I had not just looked it up in the name of diligent research.

Slagsmalsklubben are a different kettle of worms. The kids ricochet off each other like they have not been allowed to bring their bags of sweets in and have had to neck them all at the door. I've never played a Nintendo in Sweden, but believe it or not, they've got six Mario Bros., all with a variety of special techno moves and a respectful temple to the great god Kraftwerk.

But hurry up Hadouken!!!!!! Small uncontrollable children will rip this place apart if you don't take to the stage soon. And they'll have a darn good try once you do - from 'old' favourites like a storming 'That Boy, That Girl' to a firestarting cover of The Prodigy's 'Breathe', the band take the place to pieces with the same joyful abandon as their audience - proving they are already a formidable live proposition and will be hitting all those festivals like a dinosaur destroying asteroid.

A sweaty schoolsworth of smiling faces spills into Mum's waiting taxi. We cant wait for the summer holidays.