The Asteroids Galaxy Tour are musicians on a mission. Formed less than a year ago, The Asteroids Galaxy Tour are heading for fame at a speed even they didn’t expect. Music-News caught up with them to find out more!

MN: Where did you two first meet each other and how did Asteroid Galaxy Tour first begin?
AGT: Lars and I met about five years ago. Jammed for a while and became friends. Years went and one day he called me and said "Mette , Mette" I have written some songs and I want you to sing them. Then I had a listen to his demo and just loved the sound. Then we started recording and writing new stuff, spend all summer of 2007 creating our sound. Then we gathered the Band, here we are...

MN: Mette when did you first realise you had such a stunning voice?
AGT: Well thank you, now you make me blush :-)

MN: You've been together for less than a year and have come up with some pretty impressive music. Did the album come together easily?
AGT: Both yes and No. We understand each other very well when it comes to music and working with the sound. It's like we think the same things about how we want it to be, and then at the same time we have different thoughts witch makes it interesting to work together.

MN: Is it true you used to rehearse in a cold war bunker? Did that environment influence you at all?
AGT: We had a short period where we rehearsed in the bunker, yes, but the music was made at Lars place so No it did not get influenced by the crazy underground space. But I DEFINITELY think it has got a vibe that would do something to what ever, when ever, who ever....

MN: Your first single is very similar in its sound to Heard it through the grapevine by Marvin Gaye. Are you heavily influenced by these bands or was it a happy accident?
AGT: You are the first one to say that...have never thought about that...don't think I agree, but I love Marvin Gaye.

MN: What drives Asteroid Galaxy Tour. Is it money or passion for the music?
AGT: Love, the beauty in life, fruit, gold and diamonds...

MN: You have said before that you don't consider yourselves as a band per se. If your not a band then what are you?!
AGT: We are a Collage. A duo that bring different things together, who plays live with a band of friends and mixes it all together ...whoop..that is The Asteroids Galaxy Tour!

MN: What is your opinion on the changing shape of the music industry? Do you think its easier or harder to get noticed now the internet has become such an essential platform for music?
AGT: Both.

MN: What does the future hold for Asteroid Galaxy Tour?
AGT: Hopefully all the best, we love playing live...can't wait to meet the world :-)!!

Tutti Frutti - Mette Lindberg

