Swedish hard rock - funk metal outfit Electric Boys don’t need much of an introduction. Since their reunion earlier this year, the band have played a number of British dates including London gigs at the Underworld and the Hammersmith Apollo (supporting Thunder). Lead by charismatic frontman Conny Bloom (also known in the UK as the rock harpist from the famous Jameson Irish Whiskey ad, as well as various musical solo projects), the band’s line-up is completed by bassist Andy Christell, Franco Santunione on second guitar and Niclas Sigevall on drums.
Fans will be aware that founders Bloom and Christell joined Hanoi Rocks in 2004, after their own band had called it a day. Then, after Hanois disbanded in April this year, the pair decided it was time to resurrect Electric Boys (an inspired move, seeing how the Boys have gone from strength to strength ever since).

Just how strong they’ve bounced back became clear at their recent gig in Sweden at Lisebergshallen, Gothenburg, where they opened for none less than rock legend Alice Cooper! Far from being a support act, Electric Boys are a much-respected band in their own right, both internationally and in their native country. It was therefore no surprise that after the first band Roxie 77 had finished their set, the crowd welcomed the Boys with overwhelming cheers – and with the 3,100 capacity venue pretty much full, that’s one hell of a welcome.

Kicking off with 'Psychedelic Eyes’, tousle-haired Bloom held command over his audience from the word go. Sporting dark shades and black flares – complimented by various other 70’s style accessories – he moved at times like a ballet dancer, pirouetting across stage whilst performing acrobatics with his guitar. He doesn’t practise all this, he just does it, you know! They say that every rockstar worth his salt makes love to his instrument during a performance. If that’s true, then Bloom has raw sex with his guitar on stage.

Likewise, bassist Christell and guitarist Santunione had a riot working their instruments like there was no tomorrow, while drummer-Boy Sigevall provided the hardcore beats to compliment the band’s electrifying songs. In fact, the band members brilliantly interact not only with the audience but also with each other – whether using body language or facial expressions, every move and turn got the crowd going wilder and yelling for more. Thankfully, they seemed to have learned a lot of new moves since the hilarious 1989 video 'Too Fat For A Fuck’ – a tongue-in-cheek collaboration with Swedish comedian Svullo.

Electric Boys played a repertoire consisting of their best-loved tracks, from 'Halleluja!I’m On Fire’ to the 60’s psychedelic 'Mary In The Mystery World’ to the Beatles cover 'Why Don’t We Do It In The Road’. In between, Bloom encouraged his audience to clap and sing along, which they did – including yours truly. Further songs included my personal favourite 'Knee Deep In You’ – a rocking hot tune with lyrics particularly suited to Scandinavian winters ('Knock knock baby, won’t you let me in, standing outside feeling cold and thin..') and of course, the very song which put the band on the map in the first place: 'All Lips N’ Hips’. After that, it was time to make place for the king of Grand Guignol-rock, Mr. Alice Cooper (his show will be reviewed separately). Seeing Electric Boys in action is an awesome experience and as much fun as listening to their music. Gothenburg certainly did dig it and it was a blast to watch!

There was also an after-party (a rather civilized affair by rock 'n’ roll standards) at the swanky Sticky Fingers. Since it seems to be a Swedish custom not to introduce people to each other, I can’t tell you exactly who’s who in Göteborg’s world of rock, nor who attended the party (other than the obvious musicians and some obligatory silicone-enhanced Barbie doll types). I did, however, have ample opportunity to chat with E-Boys Franco Santunione (a fair-haired guy with a twinkle in his eyes) and the lovely Niclas Sigevall (looking more like a dashing 1950’s rockabilly dude than an Electric Boy). Niclas tells me that he’s actually based in LA but takes great pride in remaining loyal to the band, thus travelling all the way to Europe every time the band goes on tour. Respect! Speaking of touring: the impossibly dashing and über-cool Conny tells me that the band will be playing the UK again next year, so keep your ears sharp for further news!

(Please read my Music-News interview with both Conny Bloom and Andy Christell).