Five albums already under her belt, most of them multi-award winners, and this from Lynn Miles is close to the best of them.

These are old and new songs, all recorded simply and with as little 'production’ to get between the listener and the song as possible, and the result is enthralling and electrifying in turn.

She accompanies herself either with guitar or with piano and her voice is given full space to express itself and deliver her songs in the most natural way possible, the lyrics telling stories of her experiences and of the things that she has seen.

If the songs were trite expressions of love or simple statements of her desires the album would be far less strong but she gets to the heart of the relationships and the difficulties that people create for themselves, creating a series of moods and of asking questions of the listener.

Lynn Miles is one of a remarkable number of highly talented Canadians that are feeding an explosion of great music but she may well be one of the most talented songwriters that are around anywhere right now.
This album may well add to her awards and should be one of the top choices for anyone with a taste for simple, emotive and beautiful music.