Libertee, Egalitee, Fraternitee, Adam Kay (and Suman Biswas) is a phrase that rolls off the tongue as readily as a cheap harbour whore's saliva. Isn't this what musical freedom should be all about? Two doctors exercising their right to rape, pillage, steal, defile and descant national and international institutions. No one is safe from the medical make-over.

The Jam's 'Going Underground' trail blazes this monolith of a CD departing the operating theatre as 'London Underground' having certainly encapsulated my thoughts and frustrations in a witty piece or re-writing that should be made compulsory listening material for every underground worker.

'Today I've got to take my bike / Cos once again the tube's on strike / The greedy bastards want extra pay / For sitting on their arse all day / Even though they earn 30k / So I'm standing here in the pouring rain / Where the fuck's my fucking train?'

Adam Kay takes the mike while Suman Biswas accompanies on piano in a grippingly surreal exchange, which Derek & Clive would have been proud of. Adam Kay takes on the Peter Cook role while Biswas shags all the birds having tickled the ivories with such style and panache.

Other songs worthy of extra praise are 'Careless Surgeon' a brilliant re-write of (you guessed it) 'George Michael's' Careless Whisper and the brilliantly titled 'A Letter to the Patient's GP Please, Angela'.

At £6 a pop and all in aid of Macmillan Cancer Relief, it's a must have for distraught travellers everywhere.

Track Listing...

Nothing at All
Finals Countdown
Your Baby
Disney Time
Eternal Clerking
The Menstrual Rag
London Underground
Mr Burton
Careless Surgeon
Dorsal Horn Concerto
The Drugs Song [listen]
Always Look on the Bright Side
A Letter to the Patient's GP Please, Angela

To hear video clips and buy the album click here.