Broken Records have a daunting task tonight, promoting a newly released second album 'Let Me Come Home' on a cold Tuesday night in city with endless other entertainment options.

This is a difficult stage in most bands careers, as the initial hype surrounding the first release has died down and they are left with something to prove. However, they have pulled in a good crowd and are clearly enjoying themselves, jokingly stating from the offset, “We have left our hipsters jeans at home tonight, so feel free to just have a good time.” This sets the tone for the evening and it is evidently a striped back affair without much in the way of smoke or atmospheric lighting that usually accompanies the sets of their more broody Scottish peers My Latest Novel and The Twilight Sad. This works well as unlike their peers Broken Records often lean towards the more upbeat sound of Scottish Fiddle music, especially on tracks such as 'A Darkness Rises Up' and 'If The News Make You Sad, Don’t Watch It'. Which is a great wee song about modern detachment from politics, far away wars, climate change and general impending doom shown on the rolling news.

As is the way with such shows it is the old favourites such as 'Wolves' and newly re-leased 'Lies' that get the most crowd reaction. With the new material having titles such as 'A leaving Song' and 'Home', you start to wonder if they band are trying to tell us something.

The first track on 'Until The Earth Begins To Part' was titled 'Nearly Home' and the last track on this second album is
title 'Home'. Is this the end of journey then for Broken Records? Or just the beginning of Fantastic new one? With such interesting musical arrangement and passion and skill shown of such an array on instruments tonight, we certainly hope it is the later.