If you want to chill out at a gig, then tonightfs headliner Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly can be the perfect choice. They have been touring around the UK in support of their latest album Maps, which was released on 7th May.

Frontman Sam Duckworthfs high-toned onstage persona reminds me of Tim Rogers of the Aussie indie rock heroes You Am I, a male version of Kate Nash, and Neil Young. eEnjoy the acoustic guitar sound!f might be the most significant message that Duckworthfs music implies. So what is romantic about eone man with one guitarf? Itfs beauty in its simplicity!

A few songs into their set, the audience started singing along with the band, and claps occurred naturally, which has apparently made the singer realise how lucky he is to have a huge fan base here in London. Frankly, he never failed to get them so wildly drunk with his pleasantly catchy lead guitar phrases, and he pulled off the lengthy setlist fantastically; includes Collapsing Cities Feat, War Of The World, Call Me Ishmael. Also, to watch him giving his fans a sideways glance\was a little bit of fun.

As you may have noticed, there were more boys than girls in the crowd, but it didnft matter at all. The boys were admirably singing along to pretty much every song that theyfve played tonight. All of a sudden, the whole entire room got surrounded by the warm singalong, and their melodious sound gradually illuminated each one of our faces. The combination of the seductive low bass line and the stomping drum beats is well worth your attention!

Duckworth has given us everything we need for a great nightout, without getting enjoyment out of crowd surfing, stage diving, and moshing at the show. It could be one of the best gigs theyfve played so far this spring even though he didnft smile triumphantly in the end.

The latest album Maps is out now!

