On their Myspace pages In Like Flynn are good and well produced Electro-Punk rockers with a great deal of PiL & Gang Of Four in their approach but live they come on like an irresistible and utterly compelling force.
The power from the fourpiece was simply incredible and, having seen them once before as Namaste, completely unexpected.

About half way through the first number or so I was thinking about edging down the incredibly steep stairs as the volume physically assaulted me but I realised that if it had been any less load and frenetic it simply would not have worked. My ears were beginning to bleed but in a good way – they really worked because the volume and the intensity was so high, not in spite of it. Not comfortable but then the best rock never is.

Standout number was ‘Dinner For Two’ which featured more changes that is normally decent for a supposed ‘new’ band and a vocal performance from Sam Marlow that had me wincing as the veins in his neck popped out with the intensity of his vocals.

The idea of the music-news Weekender was to allow unsigned talent to show off their abilities and In Like Flynn certainly took their change and blasted the crowd with their sheer self-belief.
Frankly, this is why I come to live music; scary and edgy and about as ‘real’ as it gets. I was deafened, screamed at and I loved every second.

I would also like to say thanks to The Escobars who came all the way from Preston and regaled us with some stunning music. Very much in the Buzzcocks/Magazine vein and with a few excellent songs – I really liked ‘Scoundrel’ (potential as a single) and ‘One Last Job’ both of which showed that there is still some quality songwriting to be found as well as some unsigned talent out there. ‘Bout time someone changed that last condition.