Guy Ritchie has opened up about his marriage to Madonna and claimed it was drama filled.

The British director and the pop star ended their eight-year union in 2008 and have both moved on with their lives.

But Guy has told the December/January issue of Details magazine that life with the Material Girl had its benefits but was not always a bed of roses.

“I enjoyed my first marriage. It’s definitely not something I regret,” he said. “The experience was ultimately very positive. I love the kids that came out of it, and I could see no other route to take.”

“But you move on, don’t you? You’re right, I stepped into a soap opera, and I lived in it for quite a long period of my life. I’ll probably be more eloquent on it 10 years from now.”

“When you end up with a lot of things that you set out to chase and find that you stumbled into all sorts of hollow victories, then you become deeply philosophical.

“I’m quite happy that that experience was accelerated for me. I'm glad I made money, in other words. And I’m glad I got married.”

The Sherlock Holmes director, 43, has a biological child with Madonna, son Rocco, 11, as well as adopted son David, five.

He also welcomed a baby boy in September of this year with girlfriend Jacqui Ainsley.

But Guy says that although he is a doting father, he is not willing to dish out parenting tips to anyone.

“I’m f**king glad no one gave me too much advice,” he said. “You’ve got to work it out for yourself.”

“And I am anti people putting so much pressure on kids and robbing their childhood by giving them so much homework. I think if kids want to arse around, then they should.”

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